The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1936. CAPPER AND HOPE GIVE THEIR VIEWS ON FARM POLICY Bounties Must Be Paid, One Says; Other Questions New Deal Agriculture Program T608, K.R, July 10 Participants in the significant Lanpot mon-Bowden 210 the disc conference essions of contributed Republican farm la? a today, one emphasizing a 11 CA thot bount.on would be void and the the A -0- 9 Do ol'o bitar a a 0 92 the gf table while rice? Q1 af. .0 1 Frank 0 0, OF rev3 opia so fo Roy, soils the Illinois tater 4. 0 1 WE gh: 1 2 2,9 09 for Scar it 'I 7 Pad in 0 0-9 4. Re Continued no 9 to code go a Orate 20 scional cane tration Pi ave 0 4 A saying.

She 0 0170 med ent 01 tire DO PA( gO U3 E's r3 p. it wade be 7.03 06 09. Kaneag "uno D' a Ps art db P9 pot 301 0 4 etA At enor'e 10P j9. arid Hone 10 alt 4.00 3 to tho "ge. dorialing inter.

a hat a 10 for i7: At 10 4'01 29 had darne 9: plane Brood l1 at one the side ut co, Hope 0 waif. 'no had some out 90. 49 a Pod any ire 1 in mind than 4 0:9 tha: tho drouth it to A 9 Pr POLS it ROD Sho rogran: 9 A 40 6 Adna nistration is attempoin5 go out joe front and do 31 the Tops, who the hog ranking AV. Hep 4.00 PO 860 YTO1: Dario COmmIt P. 92a0 78 ago the me no seduco? CO 09 6 doing tho 91 00 In obo Iminis.

Pra Dino bae that today "ho 99,00 re the Are Beyond saying the? ho sol cha 906 Pro 910.10 ACO 40 0 9 much Landon had Puday PI the Sarin piers To 99, Three Get Perfect Trapshoot Scores It: Championships in Eastern Zone Singles Held in Fairfield. N. J. WAY N. 1.

300 003 0 "These filet 4 0 99 A IS 18 in Cr 30 8 4 ire the PO! -0 at the rat 0 day and top. bet their 3 divisions. Sixty 73 0 3 60 9 119 event. each shot at 1011 A 2 varda, 34. Balls.

IN. 3.. 10 a 1 4 of Reined N. with 09 -0. a fo, 0 I D.

8 4 7 By field, 1. too tagPOPE GIVES AUDIENCE: J- Tuly 10 0.4 today gave An audience 40 Wugane R. Mulhran of connentione. ARBOR CAFE Near Square Court One of the Coolest Spots in Town Sparta flint Cool Tall Drink 35c. Saturday And Sunday, Roast Virginia Ham.

New Spinach, Potato, ('old Snind Plates, Turkey Club Sandnich, Knuchles and Kraut etc. News Behind the News Republicans Had Tough Job Finding Publicity Man Willing to Cross Swords With Democrats' Michelson; Late Choice of Kirchofer Leaves G. O. P. Ballyhoo Lagging Somewhat Behind That of Rivals Paul Mallon WASHINGTON.

July 10-The Res publicans had plenty of inside, troubles seeking A publicity ogre to duel with the breathing Democratic pube licist, Mr. Charles Michelson. Three outstanding men are understood to have turned it down before the fourth, cool, capable experienced 9. H. Buffalo editor, PAS 9 Two de8, Aner 8 8010 agents 8 ha 0 8 business man.

'Tho jo'o 19 required 8'he n. also the po Quinds VO fp-4 tho Landon empaign are 9 20 sharply 0019 the funday tal 90 hothes they wanted an 4 two rtising man of A a g11 4 'he noire of Sir. Kirchofer is 30 'riumph for the news school from 90 b. ion SIr. Michelson also graduated.

0:119 the technical fault behind the eituation now Republicans nave waited long -while the offiDemocratic publicity setup hAR been functioning full blast, playing 9 ging things me headlines. drouth relief, and hog. Windfall The in fo. 'ing the Republis publicity organization may 407 3 prose 1 ant. 1 000 0000910 in his 00.

Pre nad insufficient 0 2 .8 0 4 11 thee and don his Yially 'That is ansel. Sir. Maskol, grat the 8710916 3 Salt alter defeat 70 mi Michelson was ho pt at the job of probaring the mint for three long years before he an itched 09 or 919 Roosevelt. situation this time is not Ta sutla comparable. "The Republicans have enjoyed A vs windfall.

ho lgo f1 proge bare 3 he of unintenagenda organizations like the Sine vi8.10 6-19 3 In other words, the sod haG beGIn 6010 00. BI r. Kirchofer's lol probably her 6 gather tha Pod folia ref. P'ersonal Phase sieneral leato 1.0 absence from 4116 DOS' gene 18 only technical. l'ubber stampe mere prepared in the Postoffie Department 8,0 (P ke A 20 9 0018 the signature of "William Howss, acting master That marked the full of the change, are still running from lopal, capable 31 v.

Hones' desk master General Farles'8 head. ira A Bork, and the 3 will 1 a go lie Tinge i a naD possibility 6)F 88 7:16 the two da bout shat should he done in Department. only practical vent Earle part taro raako is that bro ail: Lose about $4001 salary ripe r2 new electiona day. This is 80 him, his friends a lairs, 'They WAy this explains 14 he tarried so long. and why he wants top dome back altor cleation.

8t 88 he locked around Now York Year 8 In private iol which might keep the wolf away from his mansion. but did not Ang hing suitable. He seta perr Postmaster die noral and nothe 7 chairman of the National Come or the Now Work State Conte varitico. His AlP heavie Futility 'The League of Nations rose 9 gO all go to learn, as our most eminent authorities has p. that BY r.

Bit' is eng with 9 deal the A blow. per Purore 93 supposed to Ang Nazi sidont the Damziz parliament to have the League c'ommission remote from what is laughingly but officially called the Danzig Frep State, He dosa not care what the League thinks about that, because. ne one cares wha? the League thinks Any more. However, he must have an understanding with Poland. a This understanding is being promoted along the lines of guaranteeing the Poles their economic rights and standing in Danzig return for Hitler's assumption of political rights.

Even if it does not out, the i suggestion is enough to illusPrate the futility of anything worth while coming out of present moves to the League. Co Geneva they will nave the husk of. it 9 hide their faces, bust the husk 19 nt. No Pictures Dr. Guy Tuguel! has be.

come caniera shy. although he has open pushed up front in the Washo ington picture again by the resettlement activities in drouth relief, he generally requires photographers to snap him on the run. When one asked him to the other day, he replied? "What! me a fashion plate The swiftness with which he disapo indicated the answer. (Copyright, 8936, by Paul Mallon) Railway Express Petition Is Denied Extra Routes Refused but K'ay Through Great Barrington Granted I Spee sal to The Springfield C' BOSTON, July A A result of protests registered with the department of ublis: utilities. the contmissioners of that department devied the retition of the Railway Exe press Agency, of Boston for additional common carrier with the Commonwealth.

The commission granted the company IP regular routes and two seasonal routes that pore not protested ny any common carrier serving any pare of the routes proposed. The Railway Express Agency vo. quested 15 regular routes and three seasonal routes. At the hearing deeloped that some of gho routes were for emergency service and others pro for extensions in delivery limits. The emergency routes, the department held, could be used under the como rant's contract carrier permit.

wore: Betneen a point in Great The routes granted to the agency rington bridze, and passing A point in West stock. throust. Castle Taconia St Blain 'Van Deusenrille North Plain Rd. in Great Bars rington and Alain st. and Derot St.

ira West Stockbridge. Between a point in Newburyport and A point in Aresbury, passing through Winter Hig' St. Moseley A VP OR and Spofford St. in Ns a bury port and rrimac 'St. and Slain St.

in burro The seasonal routes granted re Not 8 point in Great Barrington and a point in New Marlboro passing through estlo Taconio Ave, Main Fast Blain est Side Lake Buell Rd. in direat Barrington And Test Wide Make Buelf in New Marlo bore, ant hetmen point in Great Barrington and A point in Monterey, passing through Castle Taconic A Main t'4 East STain Last Side Jake Ruell Rd. in Great Barrington, and East Side Buell Rd. in CHAMBERLAIN PLANE BURNS TERRE Ind, July 10 A passenger airplane caned by Clarence Chamberlain Airlines. TaC.

and sait to have dost $102.000 was of 19 rockage at the airport here Fire virtually destroyed the huge ship last nights ON THE SCREEN FOR THE FIRST TIME! Complete! Uncinsored! THE STORY OF THE AMAZING T- MEN GUARDIANS OF THE U.S. TREASURY! I Vividly picturized at last How the Secret Service op erates! rips: into crimes cleverest -the counterfelters! Convicting the moneymakers with science! Trapping at last the The blonde bombshell of gang's blonde "The Informer" tries her wiles an the Faderals! CHESTER MORRIS MARGOT GRAHAME Parian Marsh Lloyd Nolan Directed by Erle C. Kenton a B. P. Schulberg production A COLUMBIA PICTURE STARTS Added Feature TODAY HOUSE OF HITS in Frank "Sweet.

Parker Surrender" COMPLETE THEIR TRIP TO POSSIBLE RESERVOIR SITES Engineers and Representatives of State Planning Board and Compact Groups on Tour (Special to The Springfield Union) BOSTON, June 10 Engineers and representatives of the Massachusetts pact co commissions of New Hampshire, State Planning Board and the comVermont Connecticut, appointed to prepare and present a joint plan for flood control to their respective legislatures, today completed a five-day tour of possible reservoir sites in New Hampshire and Vermont. The tour included a study of the food control dams in East Barre and Wrightsville and another about 10 miles west of St. Johnsbury, which were built last year and suCa ceded in fully curbing the floods 018 their respective streams. posed The sites group of then dams in turned the to the vicinity pros St. Johnsbury and also studied the dams at Lyndonville, Lyndon Center and Victory in Vermont State, togetho er with the proposed sites New Hampshire at Bethlehen: Junction and a tale River.

From there the party visited vari. nus sites the White River and Wells River, particularly those 108 A- tions being known as the South Tune hridge at Ayer Brook and saysville aites, also Union Village, Bridgewater Corners and Newfane sites. The engineers from the respectire commissions will meat again at the Massachusetts State Planning Board's office in the State House in near future to compare the results of their studies and plan further work. Memo hers of the inspection party who repo resented the Massachusetts State Planning Board were Henry I. Harriman, Ernest J.

Dear, commissioner conservation; Arthur Lo. Weston, chief Engineer of the Department of Public Health, ant Arthur by'. Dean, chief engineer of the State Planning Weary Searchers Hunt for Botanist W. C. Marquette, Gone Since Tuesday From Woods Hole WOODS HOLE, July 10 (4P Weary volunteer searchers pushed through boggy glades and dense inderbrush their hunt tonight for William G.

Marquette, missing Pleasantville (N. botanist. The 22 years old studious cOn of 3 former Columbia and University of Wisconsin chemistry professor ished Tuesday. Friends last saw him as ho rode off or a bicycle, supposedly 193 quest of rie v9 specimens for $10 marine biological laboratories here. Prof.

Marquette and his son's labors atory associates joined today in offering a reward of $209 for information leading to his return. V. F. W. LEADER NAMES OFFICERS FOR STATE SUITE Arlington Man Appointed to Legislative Position; South Deerfield Man Picked BOSTON, July Command.

er Joel L. Miller of the Veterans of Foreign Wars yesterday announced at headquarters of the organization in the State House the selection of Soto eral appointise officers to complete his official quite. Joseph F. Scott of Arlington Post was given the important post of logo islative officer. He has held the office in the past and has also had much experience through his gears of service in many offices of the United Spanish War Veterans.

Other Appointments Other appointments were: Joseph deC. French, Liout. Norman Prince Post. Boston, color sergeant: James Wallace, James Blahoney-Roxbury Post, guard; Simon Veno. Hyde Park Post, bugler; Bristol County Commander Henry F.

Williams, past come mander, David I. Adams Post, Taun. ton, director of ritualistic and degree teams. The commitice, one the important Of this in view of the comprehensive plans of mander Stiller, has hour placed 9 charge of Chief of Staff James V. Henness other committes chairmen appoint.

Fol are: Liaison Officer John I. Wallace, Her. Wallace Bla: departmental chaplain. land Mights Hospital; senior Vice State Commander Patrick 3. Done nell, South Des liold, post tions: Administrative Councillor Wale tor Mulhall.

Neponsor, budget; Quartermaster Adjutant Henry O'Day, Jamaicaway, National Past E13. gene entertaining visiting Inspector Fred Zine F. Lynn. finance: Judge Advocate William 41. Carey, Dorchester.

laws: Administrative Councillor John E. Ver, South Boston, annual military ball. Dr. Thuot May Get Overholser Place Curley and Hoy Both Away, No One Comments on Report (Special to The Saringfold Uniond BOSTON, July 10-With Gov. James 31.

Curley and his secretary, Edmond Hoy Washington. there vas no one in the executive department this alternoon to comment 099 a report that planned to name me Dr. John Thuot of New Bedford, State commissioner of mental die seases, replacing Dr. Winfred Overholser whose term expires late this month. Commissioner Overholsor, commenting the report, stated that he had no assurances from the Governor that he was to be reappointed.

"I have had no inkling one way or the the commissioner said. Dr. Thuot WAS recently mentioned AS A possible. successor to Chairman William P. Haycs of the State Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission but Chairman was.


July 10 An upturn in the national death rate sibly due to extreme heat an areas, was reported today in the week. ly index of the Census a Bureau. Based on telegraphic reports from 86 cities with population of 37,000,0 000. persons, the week ended July 4 showed 7513 deaths compared to 7323 tor the comparable period in 1935. The Census Bureau said this WAS mortality rate of 10.5 per 1000 persons for the wreck this year compared 10.2 for the same neck last year.

The first 27 weeks this year showed mortality rate of 12.6 compared to 12.g 9t 1933. New Orieans had the highest rate. 18.4 for the week ending July 4, and Als ten, the loRest. 4.3. POSTMASTERS ELECT P'ROVIDENCE: R.

July 10 CAP of the New England Assodintion 60 Tostmasters. in session here today, were reelected for the Coming ear. nith Arthur A. Heno drick, postmaster At Brockton, ing the list. An innovation was the Plection of a board of directors, one from each Now England State.

Highway Program Is Approved for Cities and Towns (Continued front First Page) constructed under the Chapter 90 law one of the highest In the history of the public works department. To meet the increased cost of the projects, the budget of the Public Works Departo ment this year provided for art apo propriation of $3.500.000. The buds commissioner. slashed this with the result that the public works department was forced re reduce the State's contrio bution for each the projocta by approximately 05 per cent. This nas the only a3, Commissioner Callahan said, 'hat the limited sum of $2.500.000 could be spread equitably to meet the increased total of applications for State aid.

The rublic works conimissioner re. leased the following list of allotments made by the Commonwealth with the minimum amounts that the towns and counties must contribute on each projo 6 Ct. In many cases. Commissioner Callahan added. the towns and ceanties toluntarily contributing 8 larger amount the sums required $12 order to inCrease the pizo of the projarts.

RAmpieR Counte 80 00 A us 'are Street Blandlord--Russell (staged on 4 Cheater- River Road Chester Hill Road Rd. A I Mon Street K'ast Granville Mair Road ME PAR North Monsow Road Pashapane Rood aple Rid. and A we street 0 19 ales stain Avenue -Wales A Road: D0 street and Threc Fiver: Forest Lake Road Hill Road 0 Soutl: Tongyard Road Tollard- Boston I Road Trad 08 Maintenarce Vest Springfeld-Memorial Avenue Test field- Pontoosic Road -Glendale Reed Highway Hampshire County A on Street Rivers Rood Chesterfield--North Road Road Road Bryant Road lorence Road Fin tenant D' shen-Damon Pend Road South Chesterfield Road Retread Roads Chester Ford County Road Road Masc River Road Northampton Bridze Road Westhampton Road Water Street Plainfeld-Ashfield Road. Maln Street Southampton- Holyoke Road al--East Street Test Street Road Worthing tor- Worthington Street. River Rd.

Clark and Dingle Roads 1. Berkshire County Adan, Alford East Road Road Greer River Valley Road Fechet Bancroft Road Cheshire- Vella Road IRELAND IS READY FOR CELEBRATION RIOTS TOMORROW: Orangemen Will Observe Anniversary of "Battle of Boyne;" Nine Killed in 1935 BELFAST, July 10 (AP) -Northern Ireland's Orangemen made ready tonight for Sunday's celebration of the "Battle of the Boyne," with last year's riots and bloodshed still a fresh and painful The 1935 festivities. commemorating the celebrated victory of the forces of William 111. the Prince of Orange, over those of James 1I in 1690, started a forfnight of sectarian disturbances that ended with nine dead, dozens wounded and nearly 150 arrests. Original object of Orangeism was the maintenance of Protestant dancy, and that spirit still survives in modern dress.

The Roman Catholic bishop of Down and Connor, this year, has issued a letter asking members of the faith to. keep away from the Boyne celebrations, where their presence might be the pretext for hostility or resentment. 1 corresponding appeal for order was issued by the Protestant bishop. Serious riots in Northern Ireland, with its substantial Protestant majority and aggressive Catholic minority, date back to 1880. Not'until 1920 however, when gunmeu began taking part, did the riots assume terroristic proportions.

The possibility that feeling may run high this year is seen in the public warnings and in the religious, political and economic differences which the six counties. still arouse outspoken comment in Last year's trouble began when final. sections of the Orange procession were returning to Belfast from Belmont. Police retaliated by opening fire on the attackers when volley of stones came from sidewalk spectators. 9 Rev.

Dr. Beach Resigns; Church To Act July 23 (Continued from First Pager seem 90 solve certain pressing edu cational problems for my children. The staff there promises a for more study, better sermon preparation, and time and strength for adequate pastoral care. It is a real adventure for us to leave New England and take up my father's mantle in A city and church very dear to him. hate always felt God guided me here and that he wished me 40 render certain services in First Church and Springfield.

Sometinies it has been hard still to believe this. and such seasons of difficulty and diso couragement bare driver me to my knees VCR and again to put myself anew 118 Hig hands and promise to serve slim stedfastly here go elsewhere as direct. Since the door of opportunitg has opened in Minneapolis, I hasten come to believe it is His band has opened to. And again I must obes. It is hard.

harder than can express, for us to think of leaving you and this beloved church. And Jet, 8 bring 90 the wrench of parting con The victions first which grows to me are crystal clear in leaving other ont of churches: my experience they have gone forward under the men who have taken my place to accomplish things he my power of leadership; suck stedfast progress will be prove perience, to too. and my ministry will have been a transitional one with its on' power and place in the life of First Church. Despite our happiness here, there have been difAcult days and weeks when your own candor ha's made me recognize my led to limitations; and that recognition has the inexorable conclusion that another person with other gifts betto ter adapted to First Church will come lead you Four on to Fruitful better Years things. 0.

Ye has been 8. deep joy to have Arm sour ON words in recent days conmy expectation that the coming hate year, had we cone together, would serviceable. been our happiest and most been The past four years have fruitful in many ways: me have reduced our indebtedness by about one third and finances have been reorganized; me have had splendid congregations, a year round average of 560 for the past two years; First Church has had recognition in the city, the State and denomination. The will pears have had deep roots and they ing bear rich fruit across the comdecades. wich "Tr 0 presenting this resignation, thank you cach and all for I OUP loyalty, your helpfulness, your your patience, and your deIgotion.

Already our difficulties are 'Ton $3.626 State Tor County -Houghton 900 83.754 $1.875 Middle. Road 450 450 Dalton 9 3.000 230 1,128 9.500 1.800 Egremont-Mt. 9 n06 950 9,125 Road A00 1,500 Great Barrington950 5. R75 961 P.500 626 Hanco*ck- Main Road 9 7. 0 93 9 730 9.750 Punadale-Middlefield Oiling Brodie 1,935 9,125 0.300 9.350 9 98 600 A 950 Leo -West Park Street 90 A Columbia Street 2.250 9.2 1.950 -Housatonic 9:5 975 New Lenox Road 8.000 000 8 1 9 750 Monterey--Tyringham Fr.

Flughes Road 5 625 2.81° 2.81 Wt. 5.280 8,9500 9.625 New Mallory 9,875 Goodell Road 02 8 4 ARR Mill Sew Marlborough 3,950 760. 1,876 Mort: River-Great 1.300 3.960 3.760 Street Beaver 'Street 9.500 750 950 Peru- -East Windsor 3.760 130 9. ROA 995. 315 Pittsbeld-Pontoosuc 9.350 Richmond -Swamp 3.750 8.500 2,250 Manterance 950 9,600 18.000 335 925 335 Savoy- Windsor Road 0 500 9.001 Sheffield -Berkshire 2,250 3.350 County Road 750 560 760 3.950 1.815 1.815 Tyringham- Main Road 8114.713 $54,975 West Stock $9.008 Withalston n--North $6,000 $3.000 -Savoy Road 5.625 2.813 2.812 750 376 376 18.000 2,250 3.750 76 40 375 373 Ash field -Watson Road: 2.250 1,125 1.135 Eaptisr Corner 0,260 826 6,250 3,000 Huckland-Hawley 850 395 376 375 975 Charlemont-West-lawley 950.

375 $16 Conway--Shelburne OSA 976 $75 Deerfeld Road 9.800 950 450 Erving Ncrth Street 1,500 $50 150 Gill- West Gill Road 950 750 Greenfeld-Lamp 375 375 6,188 2,250 West Hanley Rond 1,725 2. 976 160 Heath--Jacksonville 2.250 Leverett-North Leverett 1,300 780 750 Shutestury Road 160 1A0 376 175 Leyden 375 Mon: Road 1,360 6. A75 New 1,125 $62 563 750 150 Orange -North Main 1,500 ThO 150 Zoar Road 1,500 750 Shelburt-Bardwell's $74,475 $34,030 800 Shute Colrain bury -Locks Road J. $6,000 $3,000 $8,000 Wendell- Depot Road: 1,125 3 Saint 376. 187 1 Whately-Depot Road 3.780 1.

2.400 1,300 1.200 vanishing from our minds. Soon we shall think only of our hours of inspiration and fellowship. of loved ones Trom who we have been parted. of our purpose and the kingdom we have sought to serve. I leave you poorer in this world's goods but richer in the treasures which neither moth nor rust can corrupt and.

which no thief can ever steal. We know, with Peter, that it has been good for us to keep together. That God may go with us as Te leave this mount of vision and take up our respective tasks will be my prayer." Emergency Flood Relief Board Has Spent $246,835 from First Page) lie Works, mostly for plowing the on ion, fields. in the Connecticut Valley. Removal of silt in the Merrimac cost $19,353.76 more.

The Department of Public Safety spent $15,213.03. largely for emergency police work and caring for flood victims. plies in the flonded areas. and for preTo insure protection of water measures against contasions diseases, the State Department of Public Health expended $11.751.25. The foregoing are the outstanding items of expense.

Other disbursem*nts making' up the total of $216.833.36 were as follows: Department of Correction. $2,484.33: Department of I'ublie Welfare. $1320.52: Executive 1e- partment, $1685.12: emergency food and fuel administrator, Department of of Agriculture, Conservation, $158.00: Deal Metropolitan District Commission, water supply 37.80. In Connecticut Valley Numerous communities in the Connecticut Valley, including most of those heavily affected by the spring flood. the benefit of Guard protection.

In West Springficld martial law prevailed for a time. Springfield. Chicopee, Holyoke. South Hadley Falls and other towns farther the Valley had details of guardsmen on duty and would have had to pay for them had the State not a sumed the cost out of the emergency flood relief fund. GEN.

GLASSFORD CANDIDATE PHOENIX. July 10 (AP)- Briz. Gen. Pelham D. Glassford.

who retired from the Army in 1931 to take farming in Arizona, announced yesferday he would he a Democratic candidate for Congress. Gen. Glassford formerly was chief of police at Washington. D. C.

He was the ninth aspirant to enter the race to succced Mrs. Isabella Greenway, who will not be A candidate for reelection. Street 14 a Street Road -Muddy Brook Road Mountain and Main Roads Road (Stockbridge Rd.) Street Road Street Hill Road Road Rarrington Road Street Road Lake Road Road Road School Road Interlaken Road Street Center Road Road. Hograc Road Franklin County Road Road Palls Road Black. Road Road Road Road Road Road Street Ferry Road Pond Road Road FUNDS GRANTED STATE TO HELP CRIPPLED YOUTH $21,233 Allocated to Carry Out Program Aiding 1 Children as Plans Are Approved (Special to The Springfield Union) WASHINGTON, July 10-- Massachusetts' plan for services for crippled children under the Social Security Act has been approved by the Children's.

Bureau and $21.233 allocated the State for executing these plans, Secretary of Labor Perkins announced. today. This brings the total number of States cooperating in this work to 36. Connecticut is the only one of the New England group not Included in this list. The Federal grant.

which 'be matched by Bay. State funds, Is to be used. under torms of the act. "for the purpose of enabling the State to extend And improve (especially in rural areas and in areas suffering from vere economic distress) as far as practicable: under the conditions in. the State, services 4 for locating crippled children, and.

for providing medical. surgical, corrective. and other services and care. and facilities for hospitalization and aftercare for children who are crippled or who Are suffering front conditions which lead to crippling." The Bay State Health department has charge of administering this service in that State whose plans, as in other States, show cooperation with State and county medical societies and appointment of advisory committees of physicians, orthopedists, and others to assist in determining standards and in general development. of the program.

The allotment referred to above covers the first five months through June 30. HEAT ROUTS BEES LONDON. July 10 (AP)- When the temperature went tip. to 105 yesterday, it dispossessed the bees in a local apiary from their homes. The WAX in the hives melted and closed the entrances.

The Chimes A 16 Pynchea St. A Fresh Vegetable; Plate Iced Strawberry Coffee, Jello Rolls and 25c Roast Soup, Dessert Turkey A Dinner Coffce 50c THRIFT SHOP 1641 MAIN ST. COR TAYLOR Raleigh Old Gold CIGARETS pack Try em ONLY Fine Turkish UNION blend MAdE 4 AVALON (Cellophane Wrapped) 9 8 Niale Town Countr 1,500 750 750 373 1 8 187 7,500 3.760 3,760 2,400 1.300 1,200 3,000 1,500 1,300 7.500 3,760 3,780 1,650 345 1,357 250 350 230 160 378 1.873 1.878 3.000 1,300 1,500 1.500 2.250 2,250 3.760 1,875 1,675 3,150 1,575 2,250 1,125 1,125 760 1,125 7 5 750 600 300 300 375 187 188 2,230 1.126 1.125 3.000. 1.500 1,500 11.260 5.620 3.000 1.300 1,600 3,375 1,688 1,697 1.600 750 730 500 11.230. 11,230 937 937 4.0 470 470 3,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 316 1,133 1,300 130 750 1,600 750 760 9,000 4,500 4,600 3,000 1.500 1,500 6,000 1,125 1,600 2,625 1.313 1,312 937 333 3,760 1.

$75 1,875 1,600 750 750 $151,835 $10,800 $73,401 750 376 315 750 376 375 4.000 3,000 1,000 1,500 750 750 1,500 760 760 1,500 730 160 2,260 1,300 760 1,500 750 750 1,500 760 3,750 3,000 750 1,500 '375 373 1,500 375 373 3.500 750 760 750 373 375 130. 373 1,500 750 750 1,500 760 760 2.250 1,300 TAN 2.000 1,000. 1.0011 2.250 1,500 760 760 150 371 1,135 760 373 1,500 759 750 1,600 TAn TAN 2.260 1.300 780 1,125 1,136 1,300 730 $27.250 $17.750 3 14.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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