The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

List of Graduates From 5 D.M. Schools The Best on TV Today Lincoln Des Moines Register P(jqe 1 9 Urges Union To Get Back Of Medicare The Register presents the pick of the day's network television entertainment PRE-viewed by The Register's staff of experts who have attended rehearsals, screened films and read scripts in New York and Hollywood. All times shown are Central Standard. Today's best: 77 SUNSET STRIP "Pattern By Allan Hoschar Georoe Burdon. Akron, Ohio, bomber warns his victims, then blows up their stores and international president of the Rubber Workers, called Jeff Spencer (Roger Smith) has until a woman enters the case shall.

7 p. ABC: KMMT, Cedar Rapids; KETV, Omaha; KHQA-TV, Hannibal. CHET HUNTLEY REPORTING A filmed study of Guite mala itc nrocirlonf an4 itc nnnnln nvnrMinlMev nnlittnl j-7 i 1 1 1, una hj ycuic, LAaiiiuiiu jjumn-a diiu economic progress and lack of same in the small Central American nation. 9:30 p. trisrssrv vmaiia-, rtwvvL-iv, Waterloo.

Following is the list of 1962 graduates who received diplo-mas at commencements Thursday night at Des Moines' five public high schools: East (baron Kay Adami. 8tPin Christopher Arlauu, Damsl U. Anderson. Larry LcKuy Anderson. 8tvn Kussell Anderun, Mildred Ann Arclisr.

Mary Jolenc Armstrong. William Krtd Ash. Korrst Carl Aspcnxrrn, Artlln Lylt Backous, Raymond Frank Balrd. Mar-Jims Colleen Ballard. Mary Catherine Ballard, Olen Ixan Burr, Colleen Man Barun.

Maureen Hue Hartun, Genevieve Kay glgns Bell. Julianne Marine Bell. Juyct Anu Bennett. Ted H. Bensstrom, lennu Le Bird.

John Howard Bishop. Much Yost Black, Lemon Raymond Blanchard. Pmiieia Bodwell. Uet Iiimald Bnoton, John Eric Burg, Donald I.unens Bowers. Edwin Neul Brady.

ranees Loia Brady, arol i.yn Brans- comb. Petero Briedis, Janice Lou i Brinkerhuff. Judith Ann Brlsboia. i Bri-ncla Loy Brown. Richard A Brown, Joan Lee Bucklnxlmm.

lleini Bulmahn, Lenora, Earlene Bump, Bandra Carole Calkins. Michalyn Sue Camp, bell. Margaret Ann Carlson. Kuth Anne Carnahan, Sandra Kay Carnal. Sandra! Clifford Chonso.

William Jamea ciiris. Hansen, Danny Lee Clark. Sharon Kay Clark. Loren Dale twiner. Sliaron Kay Colegrove.

Patricia Lou uavld Cook. Pwiichl WMMwr. cook. Sandra Jeanne Cooper, Linda Belle Crawiord. Barbara Ann Croouiamel.

sharun Siisette Culp, Grant Leltoy oumptiio, Kalherlne liar, ene Dale, Judith Bea Daniels, Verella Jane Darnell. Kenneth Joe Davidson, Ronald Byron Davis. Boner Allen Hav. Donna Joy Dei if us, Jmiuelyn Setilcy Dennii. Hteven Alan Drnnia.

Karen Sue Dlrlam, Donovan Duane Dixon. Calvin Larry Doeacher. Konald Lee ilorutliv. Jean Ann Larrv Manning Drake. Wesley Duillev.

Russell Dean Duncan. 8tuart Wayne Dunean. Judnh Ann Ellis, Deanna May Kppe, John Raymond Erkkaun. Carol Lee Ervin, Juillih Kay Kxllne, Ponna Murie Kaxer. atrom.

Kuth Ann Kahnestock. gimron Kay Fsirchild. Joseph Anthony Kanelll (Q. E. D.i.

Carol Ann Karson. Charlea John Faux. Kathleen Ruth Fetters. David Leonard Kussr Janet le Lorraine Michael Lee Fluputrirk. jamea Arthur Fletcher, Brian Marshall Ford.

Martha Maa Foster. Kathleen B. Freeman, Judith Kay Funderourk, Roner P1' Lnu Gallaelier. Kirk Gay. Daniel Howard Oeorae.

Linda Lucille Glllum. Donna lea Golob. TARGET: THE CORRUPTORS "Goodbye, Children." A once honest and heroic young policeman (John Ericson) succumbs to graft and shakedowns that bring tragedy to his wife (Bethel Leslie) and two children. 9 p. ABC: KETV, Omaha; KMMT, Austin; KCRG-TV, Cedar Rapids.

Des Moines Tech Nancy tiilla Ann Adco*ck, Donald Earl Ahlbara ljtrry WUtmrt Allan. Judith Ann Aller. Linda Sue Allison, Carol Maria Anderson. Meredith Ann Aremla. Jtolsirt Klmer Axndl William Charles AsHuiiul.

Uoyd Alex Axser, MarKKit Bah Blicon, William Jonn Hairs. Kooert Oeoriie Banger. Robert Nathan Banigued Jamea Albert Bass, Botiby Karl Beeilla, Peter C. Bexus, Charlea Kent Belew, Kooert Lto Bell. Bianlord Lynn Benslioof patrltia Ann Berry, Juria Beta.

Mary Luella Blackburn. 8uemll Alliaon Blakeley. Orate Kllen Blvthe. William Lester Bolton, Joseph Arthur Borland, Charlea Andrew Biandsfield, Janet Carol Barker, Hubert June Bruins WUImm Cur-tia Bright. Phyllis Elaine Brockman, Robert Arllsa Brown, Itntiert James Brown, Hubert Lea Brown.

William Parker BrowneiU Donna Diana Buck-HiKham. Barbara Ann Burke, GeorK Lyle Buniaide Shirley Ann Bveriy. Linda Kay Campbell, Nick Joseph Campero. Janice K. Canl.eld, Konald Gordon Carlson.

Pete John Chipokaa, Nancy Ann Chrlattnsen, Ueraldine Luella Christian. Kicliard Dean Clark. Sandra Kay Clark, Stephen Charlea Clarji, Carl EdwaiU Colliua, Donna Ka Collins. Gloria Jean Conklin. Jolm Wesley Connett, Robert Lee Conuett, Dianne ttll( Marie cook, snaron JoAnn cook, kuui Countryman.

Sharon Kaye cow art. Rhirlev Maxitu Crubb. Uarbari Uinuin Lea Croft. Terrv Michael Dukovich. Larry Linn Dalton.

Herbert Howard Danistrora, Harvey James Danka, Donald Clayton Danley. Bolil.y DarhnK, Jr. Mary Kathleen Davis. Robert Lynn Davis, Carl Shockley Deaton, Jo Anne Dlllie, Henrietta Svlvia Dixon. Karen Kay Donahue, Beverly Jean Donley.

Marian Jean Doo-ley, Charlea timer Dove. John Michael Downing. James Sanloru Duliafd. Patricia Ann Katun. Charlea Lee EiIkiuk-ton.

Coyne N. Kdmieoii. Lmda Mane Eilwanla. Connie le Kay Kricksim. Jamea Michael Kvans.

Janice Mane Evans. Dean Jamea Fauat, Alice Claire Fenrich. Jerry Lee Fisher. Dennis Mac Fitch. Suaan Virginia Fletcher.

Danny Ray Forbes), Frances Carol Frus, Donna Kaye Fuson Gerald Lee Gathereole. Philip William Geiaae. F.mery Dana Gerecj, Larrv George Gilliert. Joeeph Oliver Liuua JoAnn Golds-berry, Krla Jean Grant, Sandra Jean (irxurlch Richard Lee Grodt, Stuarl Gene Hall. Sianley Glenn Hamilton, Clydla Donn Hart, Janice Rae Hartley.

Claude Randal Haruuan. Karen Ann Thompson Hawkins Karen Elaine Hayes, Alice Renae Heaberlin. Virainia lee Mowen Hennckaen. Dianne Mary Julia Hea- kett. Adele Joyce Hewitt.

Mary Lores Hinman Roy 1eonard Hinshaw. Harry Arthur Hoffman. Dixie Dee Hol-venetot. Norman Edward Huitl, Richard Wavne Huitt Jane Anne Hurst, inn Mrin tliimed Darrell Alan Ira. Karl Richard Irwin.

Lronida Jaco- vides. Andrew Edward Johnson jr, Uslie Ann Johnson, Doona Jeanne Johnston Jamea Alen Jones Karen Kay Sharon Lee Jones. Thomaa Michael Jorgensen. 8teven Larry Keams. kuv Ware filftnn HfiWanl KeV- aer.

Sue Ann Kinney. Bernard Paul Koaosky. Sherry Marie Ijieffler John Iandaiierger. ill. ratncia iwi ljir-! Bhanm Kay McKmley.

Jamea can Mi-Rae. Richard Eugene Main. Milton Joseph Maire. Terry Paul Man-ley. Alfredo Vicente Marquex Tellei.

Martlvn Jo Massey. Thomaa Frederick Mernfleld. Dale Wesley Methfesael. Tl- th! North Marilyn Kay Adair, Beverly Ann Adania, Mary Ljnnelt, Adams, Patricia Camnlia Alien, Janet Marie Arlaud, Aruiur Fraucia Arnett, Maruey r.rneai Arnold, Ojara Anrla, James Paul Ay-tocn. Maisi Lu Bailey, Octave Van Buren Baaer, Dorothy Jeau Barker, Ramon Howard Barruu, Lora Leumuig Barton, James Clyde Beals, Sliarou Kuy neala, Sid Fram-o Berrone, Barbara Jean BcrUand, David Lee Bethel.

Dooald iyiui lielhel, Murriel Mae Bisnoxi. Carolyn Sue Blake, Kenny Lee Boalw right, Don Ray Bobenhouae, Mary tiue Danny Lev Boyd. Lavid Lawrence Braceweli. Pamela Marie Bradley, Pamelia Jean Braunschweig, itonaid Kent Brewster, David Haroid Brown, Pvooert Warren Brown. Barbara Lin Bruwiunij.

Marcelyn Sue Biueit, William Franalin Buruica, Joe hiaiard Burgess. Sue Alarie Burgett. Mictutel Ben Callanan. Kay Jean capps, James e-uward carter, Marilyn Kay Casuey, Juiiitn Lynn Cave, Leota iiae I ecil, Hieven Allen Cervi, Jamea M. Christian, Robert Floyd Clark, Paul Marvin Cooa, Jerry Edward Cooper, Kooert Donald Carrey, Mary Ann Crawiord, Aueu Jamea Corwcll.

Judy Ann Curtis, Barbara Sue DeJin. Margaret Ann Davles, 8am-niuet Deierling, Sandra Kay Divelbun, Sherman Henry Doraey, 111, Janet Lid- dell Douglas, Malvin Nolan Duncan, Daniel Fredrick DycK. itooen juicnaei Eakina, Gary Jamea Echternacht, Karen Ann Elliott, Kara Louise E1IU, Barbara Eleanor Emanuel, Frank A. Fant, Erneat Ieroy Fisher. Judith Kay F'ltzgiUbon, Kayinond Gordon Flick, Ronald Roy Flora, tHwron Kay Foster, Marsha Carol Free, Hutu Helen Fuller, Linda Eillene Oambrei, 3te4.tiett 1 -ean tlibtwns, Jack, Eugene Gordon.

Lluyd Cecil Graham. Barbara Ann Gray. Guyla Sharon Gritlin, Mary Elaine Gutierrea, Diane Mae Hacainan, June Marie Hull, Nancy Evelyn Hull. Mary Jo Hamil. Marsha Ann llanawalt, Robert Eugene Hammau, 11.

Donald Lewia HaJiunen, Barbara Jean Hanke. Thomaa Michael Hansen. Tim-jtiiy Mark Hanaen, Mary Eli.aieth Hardin, Kay Eliiaoeth Harjeiiausen Joyce Ethellynda Hawkine, David James Hawkins, Jamea Arthur Hemlnuver, Douglas Frank Henwond. William Ray Hillyard, Mary Kay Hlnkle. Barbara Kay Holm.

Carol Lynn Hopkina. Con- Donald Barnard Hosier, Leonard Hudson. Gerald Wendell Janet Ann Hutchinson, Sandra Kay Ihrig, Dennis Norman Jackson, Beth Alerie Jacobe, Judith Ann Jasper, Judith Nan Jerome. Sharon Louise Jeter, Judith Ann Johnson, KaUileen Ethel Jchnaon, Gerald Thomaa Jones, Linda Lee Kapler. Kivoko Lois Kataoka, Richard Edward K'elley, Everett Alan Kemp William Kenneth Kern, Robert Allen Ketch, James Richard Kle-mm, Kathleen Ann Knauth, Linda Lucille Knud-sen.

Ronald Dean Kochheiser, Michael Edward Kreltz, Dona Louise Kurtz. Janice Gale JJtfferty. Diane Mane Iaimtiertl, Faltb Irene Utmtiertson. Christine Ann Lanuy. Suzette La-pole.

Karen Rae Peggy Ann Larson, Dorothy Mary Lelnen, Bobbie Ann Lemmons, James LeRoy Lewney, Stephen Andrew Ijslle. hn Dennis lister, Margaret Ellen Lewis. Karen Cerile Llngwall. Kama Loulne Img-wail. Donna Jean Longerbone.

Kath-erine Dailse Loreni. Carl Jay Llnd, Diana Jo Lvdon, Susan Lynn Lytle. Leonard Vinrton Madison. Julia I-ee Maltas. Barbara Jane Mann, TlwmaJ Mann, it, naniei ii.

Linda Kay Marshall. Janls Linn M'iMary Josephine Maxfleld. Jimmy Ie Mayse, I-orraine Wardene McCoy. Fred David McDonald. James Lowell Mc-Iionald, David Alan McLaughlin, Michael Morrell McMahon, Susan Anne Measenger.

Garry Eugene Meyer, Rob ert James MWnskv. Eiizaoetn Ann Miller, James Steven Miller. Jamea Mark Mincks. Bonnie Lynne Mohr, iTracev Ie Vonevsmlth, Michael Wil-! llam Morn. Sharon Ann Morrow, Phyl-i lie Lea Moaee.

Carol Lee Musso. Phvl-i lis Kave Newman. Raymond Ft- gene tvyatrorn, "noa nae tuue. Laneiimi- paincla Louise Hine's, David Ray Aiarvm "iiiibju ournw, sonva JoAnn Irrimea. HAndra knu in.i Diane Ounter, Robert Paul Haai, Roger Dean Hainea Pamela Lynn IIalt.n.

Larry Wayne Harmon. Olen Paul Hnr-relaon, Carol gue HarUev, Marilyn Do-rene Harvey, Iennis LeRoy ilutchitt. Marraret Cecelia Helueland. John Hendenion. Teldy Henderson.

harlotte Marjr Hendricks, Awlrey Ann Henry. Linda Joyce Hess, Donna Mae Hurton Barbara Kay Howe, Carol Lynn Humphrey, David Martin Irvin. Jernr Lee Ivum. Robert Dean Jackson. JUry chenll Johneoo.

Iavid fldward Johnson. Shirley Ann Johnson. Richanl over ones, terry ie Mm-Qremir. Eneken Kadi Mnnl, Dtane Muliy Marllynn Kay Maplea, Chervt Beitv Martin rtsry Alan Mathem. Ijtrrr Dale Mcclain.

Manlvn I.ouise Jac-iha Mriiehre. r.mnser, Dennia Lee Grant. Gary ivay Keener, riaxtsa Marie Km We Deremer, hepner. Gwendolyn Joyce! rton. t-harlene Ann Knapp, ftin.ira Blaine Kristufek sail Mane Urann.

l'SMnlMd, KmnT, Ann I.lndbeck, frl E. Under. Mary El.tahelh Ick- ruse. Jean Ann N.wtta Soulier Sheila olleen lanng. Norma Lea Lundvall.

Jran Lvnch R.mnia tmn aiser Judithi lvalue Stefanl. Maraha Belle Stewart rew. mviu -L'miiw -o- L.iv.'? uJ VTi! ThorpY Jacqueline Ann tf.r. i im Kr la-wis Lee Trent, Jeanne Ann u7rw 1 Trlrkev. Donna Kar Trusler.

Nancv Lee Inal rL hmi ner Barbara Jeanne Wagner. Mark Newell t8ri.UP., wTll 8 Wagner. Wilma Jane Walker Terry Sheryl 1 UuckeT Peter Wllliamj Krancea Welch. Susan Ji) Joebr 'u" 'i Wheatley, Gary Irving Wicker. Linda Kenneth 1-uther, David patnck Utah.

plulu wilkerron. Gay Wil- Manlvn Louse n.rn m.n i-evi nenry Mcuuire, rranrine Ann Me Kenna. Richard hn rw, ntrviJuriv Losnn Miller. Linda Kaye Miller, For A Bomb." A mysterious no luck in his investigation coolly played by Joan Austin; 8 p. KCRG-TV, WOI-TV, Ames; 9:30 p.

m. NBC: KTIV, Sioux City; KMTV, CHANNEL CHUCKLES By Bil Keane "The bottom half of the picture is inverted." DES MOINES 7:30 Bill Riley 8 00 Kangaroo 9.00 Calendar 9 30 I Love Lucy 10.00 Video Vill. 10 30 Clear Horizon 11:00 Love of Life 11:30 Search.Tmw. 11:45 Guiding Lite 12 00 Don Soliday 12:30 World Turns 1:00 Mary J. Chinn 1:30 House Party 2 00 Millionaire 2:30 Verdict 3 00 Brighter Day KRNT-TV 8 315 Secret Storm 3 30 Edge of Night 4 00 Susie 4 35 Topper 5:10 Peter Gunn 5:45 CBS News 6:00 News, Sports 6 30 Rawhide 7:30 Route 66 8:30 Press Conf.

9:00 Twilite Zone 9:30 Eyewitness 10:00 News, Sports 10 30 Mary j. Chinn 11:00 "PM" DES MOINES 7:00 Today 9 00 Say When 9:30 (C) Hunch 10 00 (C) Price 10 30 Concentration 1100 (C) Impression 11:30 Truth, Cons. 12:00 News 12:10 Cartoons 12:40 Movie 2 00 Dr. Malone 2 30 5 Daughters WHO-TV 13 3 00 Danny Thomas 3.30 Hollywod 4:00 Movie 5.25 Cartoons 6 00 News 615 NBC Mews 6:30 snowtime 7:30 Detectives 8 30 Breakthrough 9:30 Beachcomber 10:00 News, Sports 10 30 (C) Tonight AMES WOi-TV 9 00 Gale Storm 9 30 Pub. Defender 4 00 Burns, Allen 430 Superman 5 00 Bozo, Clutch 5:30 News; Kukla 5.50 Cartoons 6 00 Huckleberry 6:30 Sea Hunt 7 00 Hathaways 7:30 Flintstnnes 8.00 77 Sunset 9 00 Death Valley 9.30 Whiplash 10 00 News 10 00 Soc.

Security 1 10:15 Homemaker 10:30 Joan Davis 11:00 Ernie Ford 11:30 Mag. Window 12:00 Camouflage 12:30 News, Mkts. 1 00 Day in Court 1:30 Window Shop. 2 00 Jane Wyman 2 30 7 Keys 3 00 Queen for Day 10 30 Movie 3:30 Who, Trust Services Today For F. J.

Gegner Services for Frederick J. Gegner, 41, of Des Moines will be at 9 a. m. today at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Oskaloosa.

i Ham Joseph uouy, Sharon Jetfers, Jo Anne Kliaabeth Olier. Rharon Anne Oltnige. Mary jnnirtgs. Harrv A. Kllen Osbom.

Mlllam tolgan age. jTOMn luise Palmer Jerrel. 1st Pallk. Imams Panedis, 1-ettv; Vn Jan)J Kalward Hamlin Joe Harish. I'ennv Sue Parson.

Arlen ir. Richard Uovd Iiavld lones. Worth Mcvuma. Pauline Kllralieth James Cart Monk. James Lynn Moo-Miekle.

Gary Ray Miller Wilbur i berry. Edward Bernard Mnrrta. Mrry Vilihouw. Mivaiawa patririaj Muffler. Judith Anne Myers Mar-S isan Mnreiand, Claudia Ann Morns gery Mae Nemniers, Donald Richard Movd Kre.lerirk Muell John Earl, Newell.

Jamea Carl Noon. Michael Kay-Nh. Hlrrietl Kav Nelai'n Gary Ar- monrt George Ituuglaa thur Ntfi. Holrt iene Nerlem.

Nan Maxlne Otburn. Virginia Lee Janet Ra Nicolle. HMn Daniel Nla-! Oliver, Ma. Jorle Ann Overh.dser 7j-eer Larry Dean June Ann anne Rae Overton, Rae Oxefl rrwnor. FluatHith Rose Out render, Iff cie Vesit tisiev.

Rirhard Alex P.I.. Parker. Melvin Dely Praori i Kloyd Pence. Puarw KnWn Perry, Karla Kirtiert Jordan. David Stephen Kailish.

i Kay Pettijohn, lsv Alan Phillips, Rich- rmrette Gail Kagin. Krank Win. Kaiser, ianl James Phlllit'S, Mary Rsldme Phil- Miriam Kalis. Maret Kaseoru. Christina oott 1-lovd Kugene Phlpps iO.

K. Kastartas. Judith Ann Keck, Kave Ruth Ann Pickett. William Ray Power, i Kathenne Keller. Marcia Kent, Ju- irw Thnm.i Prewitt.

Daniel Kligeoe'dith Ann Kern. Haven S. Keslinir Jr. uiiis inevior reareon, tiennis le-e r.M--,v e- i. i-i I'hiihpi.

John Pmegsr Anna VInrrta Po.ndexter Marlln Ann Pond. IJudge KOV Stephenson ThurS-Vae Lvnn Mane Plummer. i Mary T.llllan PottlngM, MH Jr Pnw-, Rachel Porter, i ell, Power. Rusjel Rlrtart fjay Sentenced PerrV T. Ml -Jane Ellen Potter Jin Alli-e Potter Prewitt.

HaIJs Priekulla. Dean, w.rgaret Ajanet An; Rem-eyer f.ind. uhi ler, 55, who farms near Bea- pi R.aer Alien Rsy. Jsmee FdwanJ Rec- Vera Ma'Her Aileo Rsy. Jamee K.

ward Rec- umcg. CYsnk Er Ratns Fapo. John Charles Rsvmond. id fiary fjen. tor.

Glenn Arthur Reece FJleen Jean- Carol Jo Reitnera. Betty ami Fhmer, Ve.1 Karen Judith Ann 1r. IVwaine rranHlin Rltcnhart. Roosevelt Thomaa Fred Ahters, Jean Darlene Allan, Donna Jcau Aflbaukli. Joaepli H.

Anderson, Paul Michael Anderson, Robert Eugene Andrews, Jania Arnold, Junta Anna Anus, Richard Asarcn, John Phillip Aaliton, 11, BarDara Ann Babbitt, Barry Baker, Cynthia Jane Baker, Jane Christine Batch. Mary Beth Baldwin, Mary Ju Baranosky, Tiiomaa Barker. Barbara Ann Barlaxa, David Phillip Barnes, Ranae Anu Barnes, Suaan Barnett, Karen Kay Barquist, Lynn Eltla Barricka, Jerome Terry Bassman. Stephen John Bathey, Harry G. Bauge, Sandra Lynn Beck, Linda Lee Beckel, Linda Sue Beckerman.

Robert Bruce Beers, Don Carlos Bell, Douglas Norman Benander, Coiieen Irene Berg, Gary Loyd Bevmgton. Betty Olga Bir-ney, Thomas H. Liilikulier. Terry Blair, Jer-aye Bloeilow, Richard Bond, Barbara Asa Boock, Susan Book, George Bowles, Richard Jamea Boyd, John Howard Brak-low, Janie Irene Bricker, Linda Janelle Bringenberg, David Charles Bristol, Herbert C. Bfoadfoot, David Michael Broome Bambi Brown, Peter Douglas Burnes, Miriam Ruth E'ush.

Charlotte Susanne Butler, Doug Cackier, Mary Ann Putman Cahail, Gary C. Calvert, Margaret Caplea, James E. Carlson, Ronald Carter, Barbara Jean Caskey, Diane Marie Cath-cart, Claudia Ann Chapman, Pamela Maye Chemberlin, Steve Elaine Sue Christianson, Diane Chns-lopherson. Paul Alherton Clark. Ruth Ann Coder, Judith Marilyn Cohen, Gail Adele Coppie, Martin Corbin.

Jamea Burrowa Coreoran, M.tria J. Coa-tales, Michael L. Cox. William Scott Coy, Natalie Louise Cramer, Judith Lynn Crawford, Ariel Cross, Suaan Crouch, Marta Jean Dade. Sandra L.

Daniel. William llotieit Daniel. John Herman Dnniels, Dee Ann Danzlnger. Stephen w. Dawson, elia I iianerie Dayton, jn lene Sue Deskln, Hosalyn Dexter.

Nancy Deane vvilnia Jeanette Dick Michael T. Judith lionise Dim- mltt. Donald Martin Druker, Dennm G. Duitrh. Linda Ann Dunn, Marciu Ellen Efkamp.

John Ayers Eldred. Thomfla Manford Lllerhoff, Linda Anne Elliott. Robert Steven Elliott. Judith Diana Ellis, Kent Emery, Harvey Young Engeldingcr. Kathy Evans.

Patricia Kav Evans. Krlstyn Ann Evertsen, Elaine Feintech. Iturence Ferguson. Jean Eluabeth Ferris. Bar bara Ellen Ficke.

Carolyn Finnell Jamea Webster Fitz. Shirley Arlene Foots, Carol Ann Foreman, John lavid Foster Steven Dean Foster. Raymond Haroid Frederick- Alan Friedman, Joan Beth Friedman. Richard Samuel Friedman. John O.

Froning, Creighton Raymond Fuss. Anthonv Lindsay Gable, John 0. Gable. Stephen Richard Galiraky. Jeffrey Charles Gallagher Vick! Lynn Garretson, Barbara Ann Garsh.

Allen Dale Carton, Gustav Gas-par. Nancy Gatrel. Carla Rjse Gebhard. sany jane liinerson, jane uinespie, Grant Griffith Goodman, Linda Good man. Diane Mane Goodner, Dave Gos- sett.

Nancy Lee Grace. Beth Graham, Sliarron Lee Grauer. Ruth Elaine Grtf- fin. Ann Grogan. Hartwig Fritz Diet-1 mar Gruner, Gwendolyn Martha Haak-j inson.

James Ltmla K. Hall, i James Arthur Halvorson. liennia l.ein-ard Ham. Linda Iuise Hansen, Nancy Claire Harper, Susan Raye Harr. Eric Harris.

Patricia Sue Fallis Harris. Kathleen Elizabeth Hart. Harry Wagner Haskins. Carol Sue Hauschildt. Robby Lvnn Hawkins.

Stephen H. Heidel. Barbara Hetman. Pete Hein, Larrv Allen Heokens. Bernhart Carl Hermann.

Richard Herring. Greg W'dson Herron. Ken Ie Hlckerson. Celia Ann Hickman. Dennis Raymond Hill, Virginia Hill.

Richard L. Hipwood, Barbara Ann Hits, Jamen McClain Hiwk, Norman Myron H'M-hdorf, James Denton Hodges. 11, Barbara Anne Hoffman. Caroline Lou Holley, Phyllis Ann Hoist. Connie Rae Hoistad, Susan Jean Horn-aday.

James Edward House. David M. Houston. Julianne Hughes. John Gregory Hull.

Geiwge Knapp Huntington, Karen Sue Hurst, Thomas ljee Deliin. an Monroe 1 Carl Monroe Ireland. Mary Beth Isom, siierry Uiu lvea Carol Liaiiae Jacob. Kathenne Klisabeth Kilgore, Michele Kintner. Jack Douglas Kirfman! Nicole Renee Korle, Dennis Allan Kovaeevlch, Jonnie Arlene Kramer.

James Russell Kreamer. Kiaine Ladin. Mart-ia June Suzanna Iee Iimtgren. Rozanne LaPole. Marshall Larsiin.

Patricia Ann ljau. Crinstine Mane William Russell lhman. Sharon Ie Ieinhauser. Bradley David Leonard. Jackie lieonard.

Carolyn A. lie-vine, Steven James Lilly. Marilyn Jean I.lndholm, Judith Anne Lmdqmat, Francisco Unde Lisbona. Dl. Freii-erk-k Clark Lockard.

Joan Lovejov. RichaM William Luiler. Nancy Kay Luett, Jiianne K. Luther, Toni Kay Lyons. Iienms Keith Macilonald.

Oandaee Maddux, Maureen Wvnell Mager, Joseh Uie Havid Miner Marsh. Constance Jov Martin. Steven Craig Mntheson. Marilyn Ruth Mclteth. Dennis McClatrhev.

Robert Anthonv MiK'lelhml, Michael Dean McTonnelt. IMane Met rea, Michael Jay Mel ullm'h. William Frederick MrParlin. Nancy Sue McMasier, Mary Suzanne Mc- Michael. Vvillene atherfne Meade.

Neil Alexander Meglitsch. Robert Craig Mel- Cher. Thirmas Meneougn. sativ Merrett. Sandra Ionia Mer- rett.

Jeanne la-nlie Merrill. John Keith Mever. Jr. Rowman H. Miller, Judy K.

Miller. Roberta Ann Miller, Sherry Milligan. Kathleen Jane Mills. Charlene Minnis. Scott Miftlinch Jane Moore, Perry Oliver Moore.

James F.d- iward Monrehead. Anne Morgan. Palrl-: cia Ann Morgan. James Neville Mnriar-'ty. Jr.

Jon Randall Morrison fiondra Lynn Morton, Adam Terrance Moss. Robert Lee Moid, Carolyn Murray. Robert J. Myers. Stephen Mvers, Don-jBld Keimim Jane Nelson.

Cnndace A. farolvn Nicholson. Nina Ntch-; Bwonger Mary Kathrrn Noss. Mlch iel John tl'Prlen, D'ana Susan Olson, Ktn-! dv Ann Ostertioltg. William Carl Pahst Marama Jewell Pnewal K'lthleen Anne Patterson.

R. Doiiclas Paul. Mollle an Pearlman, Jnmea Daniel Pearson. I Me Jo Pearson. RartMira Rolton Pcaie, Marcella Jane Pence, Carole Ann Petersen.

Sylvia Peterson Carol Lvnn Petsel Janet Iisne Phlllihs. Farbara c.ail Por. Lvnn Povail. Nancv Powell. John Sireeter Puffer.

Sherrlll Ann I'ugh. Thomas K. Raines Marcaret Ixrrnlne Raiisch, Joan Jinx Reed, Martha Estill Reed, Carolyn Jo Reynolds. Carmen Jean Richards. Larrv Douglas Riddle.

Norman Riees. Michael Wayne Rissien Brian Rltrhey On vie Robinson. Candace Rogers, Penelone, Utilise Rose. Steven Jon Rosenberg. Judy Oiniheth Rows.

Rrent liavid Ruben, Judith Ann Ruckman. Karen Lee Runkel IviDonna Rae Ru- berfrrl. Vivian Nancy Rutman Oary Pamuelsnn, Martha Jo Sands. Mlehnel ijave smii. cheni sen- llnnrl Leonard Ie Sri.ikel.

Elunheth S. imeii v. fvnmitt i.m.u if'arol Schumann. iVirr Pesmus Srhwertle v. Paul Sevt), John Miihsel iShnw.

Vlvilin Rheeslev Stliem Klnlne ierwrd. rurnl Sherman. Paul Unvid Short, Meredith Ann Shurtleff Nanrv Serei. jmet F.iaine simonson. H'ns-ird I Smith.

Jr Jane Frances Jeffrey smith p.oiwt iji-- renee Smith, P.ormld V. Smith. smith mi- 'He Snider. Kav Monif'S Soleelad Siikiui im Slieth S-andn Kav fhshn. Sherrv vswy ieanne stark uietiant il sten I-'wrSm-e iT 'w' liam Ilenni Btmliesh f-irvle Swanaon gaily Diane Swsnson.

Stephen '-'''n PHIIIp Tally, Ka.thy nvinr, i in rv i a Jane Thompson, Jfim- Alnn Thompwi. I mi. je-M j-ie- i iniiniini, iiii-Ti Piijiin i 14-- dsMnnn, Ilolwrt Tiifker. Pntrfrtm A T'er RpnUmln Branrlr Hlpm. Then.or Ptevfn T'rtin, Timothy tTrhftn.

Therv! Pfnnt Waul Oha M. Va lid tr. Korwrt A In Van KnhaTt Vim OiUcrn. Rirh- rrl OlenI Wnreonr, P-ttriria Ann U'tVfr, VoHnev Prrfr V'nlkfr Jfv-n BrooI Wntln'', Pntwrt Wamnlpr. OmielRji Kenneth Watrrhurv, Rlrh-nrr! John Wfirr.

JTrnfs U'atiton, ntaiit Mflri Vr, W. WMtn, Vanr W. Wcnplir, Iyrpfta Vrt. Timet Wafol Rcinr.1,1 Tim f-rtvn Knv VhV. Annpftp WW.

Jnhn William. Xjnlnt Ann v. tinn vr-rnia WTinm vnthh wi, CnrA fan Jr. t.iph- wn; Mrcmvt iWnnnnc''" l-url'i Wow' J-inc w-wviwrtr Urina T.vnn Wrlcht. Rtanlnv pir-hiM 'M.

H.mnif Mh ZtUer Mary Stuarl 'Ulimer- Fffnrt tn Tiohton Defense Outlays WASHINGTON, D. C. W); The House voted again RVrUr nrSBli: Kuii Riley. RJnX WMHIam Dolore, Ann Bell Reynolds. Janice Rheu-1 port, Rich.

Norma Carole' Ruk, Judv Kay H.w. Winifred Roberts. Collin Faith Round, amirs i-e. twwi iwg.

if i a uii, uuui William Rhsrn Roilriquex "wrenea o. jo George Henry R.iswll 1 5T ll Ta anforrt a tjmm. nl. lwi- llS Fxl1li Smith ZilT.y. VZ.i a.lU..K.a.e Psiriis Jnne WelKter Kiout, Thomas Foster Strung.

tin A len Street. rtooert jnmir Stnrficreg Ufa Rtundtna. r.twara ram Sutherland Karl Martin Terry, A'k-e Patricia l.oui- Thorn a Jcm Kugene Tbomim. lra Kav TNwnn-'n. Msn ln llenrv Pnwe Allen Tllimenn I'stroia jean ion send.

Oiris Fdwsrd Trartlev V.inn Tridler Sharon Ann, rS Thlmanito the government of $23,688 w.siev Val-ler. Warren Charles vam-i u. Bharw Ann kAitmm Robert Airar. Jerry Robert Auatin, Karen Elaine Bacon. Kenneth M.

Bacon, Judith Anne Badger. Sandra Sue Baker, Sharon Kaye Baker, Dunna Carolyn Barbour. Suerilyn Joyce Bason, Willis L. Bassett, Joann Murie Batcrtelor, Carol Batterton. Jewell Beck, Max M.

Riddle, Carol Dee Bmeaman. John 8. Blake, Craig B. Bleaaing, Judith Catherine Bonbole. Leora Kathleen Boozell, John F.

Borttell, Barbara Lee Boylan. Jerome Lyon Bradley. Jack Lee Brock-man, Janet Eileen Brown. Barbara Jo Bunch. Warren Burge, Marlys Diane Butler, Judy Ann Bye, Esther E.

Caldwell. Robert Paul Campbell. Charles Aaron Cantrell, Lucy P. Carra. Sara Ktiauiieth Caasaily.

Ralph Andrew Catron, Jr. Carol Ann Chase. Anne Marie Cipale, Ronald Lee Cochran. John Cole, LaMonle Buet Combs, Judith Lea Conner, Theresa Cotrone, Susan Irene Cox. Linda Pauline Crandall.

Dennis Edwin Davis. Diana Lee Diivia, Richard Lee Davis. Sharon Ann Davis, Wllfnrd Carl Davis. Lola Jolene Dray. Linda Lue Duncan, Richard Edwards Donna M.

Elliott. Linda Kaye Evans. Sally Jane Evans. Carolyn Jean fa*gen, E. Larry Farr.

Judy Kay Fedro, David Franklin Fegley, Sharon Kay Felice, Linda Rae Ferguson, Iarry Harold Finch, Dixie Fay Flndley, Barbara Jerkewlti Fisher, Richard Kenneth Fisher, WMlllam Eugene Flatter, Sherry rnrer. iionna aean roes, oniriey Santage Foust, Kathryn Diane Franien, 1.11111a c. rrvman, riarbara Anne ruiier, Catherine Joan Funaro, Richard D. Gabriel, Cheryl Catherine Glantz, Donna Joyce Glick, Janet Ann Gntetier, Hox-anna Jtoine Graham, Sandra Clark Grant, Barbara Graves, Lawrence M. Griilin, Mrgaret Marcella Griffin, Jon Michael Grindle, Robert lourance Groa-mckle.

Mary Pauline Hroth. Keitli Allen Grubb. William M. Haines. Mary Alice Hall.

Judith Ann Hammer. Fatty llene Hammond, Phyllis Ann Harmon, Linda Gail Harrison, Karen Heck. Diane Kuth Heiser, Arthur otto Hen-line, Melvin lmiiglas llenmng. Billy Ray llensyel. Jennnine lliatt, Martha Kay Highland.

Sandra Lee Hill. Patricia Ann Hoff, Gearold Bennie Johnson. Penny Jane Johnson. Barbara Lee Jones. Cliiude Frances Jones, Jean Ann Jonea.

sberyle Lynn Keefer, Rosemary Roberta Kellen. Konald Gene Kent. David A. Kirkman. Michael Jerry Klinge, Charles Edward Kurtz, Linda Lee Latimer, Bernard James Lawless, Barbara Ann Sharon Kaye Lewis.

Anita Jo Logan, Nanti Ann Long. Mark H. McBeth, Robert Joseph Mctjoy. Joy Nadlene Magers. Mary Linda Mal-donado.

Lenora Rave Masolinl. Evelvn Eileen Mason. Rebecca J. Maxon, Doug-laa Jasper Mein. Karen Jean Miller, Ruth Ann Miller, Nancy Jo noon, Harry Frederick Morns, Gary I-ee Noble.

Anne Elisabeth OgTen. Karen Lynn Olson, Lillian Lvdla Ortega. Patricia Ann Perry, James D. Phillips. Rosemarie T.

Piccolo, Nlta Patricia Uuijano, Linda Arlene Rav. Dale A. Reeaer. III. Richard Charlea Remer, DUna Sue Reyes, Judith Ann Rohblns.

Pamela Jnv Roberts. Marvin lmv Rooney. Janit L. Rothman. Jn niece Edith Schuster.

John Arthur Bcigliann, Larry D. Sease, Knlhryn Marie Serrill. Michael Jack Shannon. Clara Jo Shifter, Ronda Marie Shipley. Linda Ixu Simpson, Pek'gv Jean Skinner.

Gladys ill Smith. Michael L. Snover. iartae iviuire. jane siane siteeie, Dee Wool, Karen Karen Jane 6-MONTH TERM AFTER HARVEST Fed eral District Court man to SIX months in priSOn for failing to file federal in- Corne taX TetUmS for 1956 come tax returns for ISO.

He sentenced Miller to six months on each count, the sentences to be concurrent, and ruled that he may serve the time after he has gotten in his crops for this year. The sentence will be served beginning about Dec. 1. The government charged Miller has a civic obligation ,,.1 1 ahl tV civil iiduniijr, The government Miller earned $7,315 and owed $716 in claims in 1956 income taxes and $126 in ployment taxes. It he earned $10,179 in 1957, owed $1,279 in income taxes and $141 in self-employment taxes.

Stephenson commented that though Miller had a gross income of $245,000 in 1956, apparently his net profit was low. An attorney for Miller said an independent audit made of Miller's records showed he suffered losses in a number of years that he failed to file tax returns. The attorney said Miller didn't believe it necessary to file returns in years when he suffered losses. The attorney said Miller's records are inadequate, but that he has conscientiously kept all can- celed Checks and bank records. Executed Claude Piegts, 27 (above) a former Insurance salesman In Algiers, and Albert Dovecar, 25, a former parachutist in the Foreign Le-'gion, were executed in Paris for the Secret Army slaying of an Algiers police commissioner.

In revived terrorism in Algeria Thursday, 11 were slain and 13 wounded and numerous buildings were bombed and set afire. Holton Worthlngton, i Yd I I 1 i 1 i iwnmt mnw iiiiw KRNT Radio 1350 CBS, 5:30 Reno; News 8:00 News 8:15 Walt Reno 8:45 Eaton; News 9 45 Hymn Time 10:00 News, Godfrey 11:00 News; House Party 11:30 Garry Moore 1140 Crosby-Clooney 12:00 News 12:15 What Say 12:30 Eaton; News 2:00 News; Party Line Des Moines 3:30 6:00 620 630 645 7.15 7:40 830 900 1000 10:30 12:00 Reno; News News, Weath Thomas Sports Time Album Music McKeever; News Press Conf. McKeever; News News, Sports Nighiwatch News, Weath WHO Radio 1040 NBC, Des Moine 4 30 Slim riayes 5:30 News, Weath 5:45 Farm High- lights 6 00 H'ven 4 Home 6:15 Farm Feat. 7:00 Jerry Carr 7:30 News 7:45 Jerry Carr 11:35 Kitchen Club 1150 Songs, Faith 12:00 Farm News 12:30 News 12:45 Farmorama 1:00 News 1:15 Betty Baker 2:00 Album Time 2.30 Duane Ellelt 5 00 News 510 Duane Ellett 5:45 Sports 6:00 Farm Roundup 6:15 News, Weath. 6:30 News of World 6:45 Overture 7:05 Primaries '62 8 00 Knight S'nds 9:30 Rad Moscow 9:45 People 10:00 News, Sports 10 30 Knight S'nds 12 00 Wayne Olson WHO-FM 100.3 me.

9:00 Prelude; Mus. 5.00 FM in PM 6 45 Overture 8.00 Knight S'nds 9 30 Rad Moscow 9.45 People 7 05 Primaries '62 10:00 News WOI Radio 640, Ames 6.00 March Parade 100 Book Club 615 Down on Farm 7:00 News 1:30 Music 2:05 Masterworks 3:00 10 Provinces 315 Music 3.30 Red Man 3:45 M. Duncan 4 00 News, Finance 4 15 Europe Rev'w 4 30 Music 5 30 News, Music 7:00 Concert 7:15 Devotions 7:30 Music Shop 8 00 News, Music 8.45 Homemakers 9:30 Music 10 05 R. Bliss 10:20 Music, Mkts. 1100 State Coll.

la. 11:30 Music 12.00 Farm Facts YVOI-FM, 90.1 mc. 2 05 Masterworks 8 00 Bock Club 3 00 Concert 8:30 Concert 5:00 Music, News 9:45 News 7.00 Concert 10:00 That's Jazz KDMI-FM Radio 97,3 mc, Des Moines 6:00 Morning Hour 4:30 Teen lime 7:30 Chapel Hour 5.00 Serenade 6 00 News 6 30 Comentary 6 45 Grace Notes 7:00 Stereo Cone. 9:00 Back to Bible 9 00 News 9 15 Psychology 9:30 Coffee Break 10:00 Back to Bible 10:45 Music 1145 Bit of Heaven 10 00 Stereo Strings 12:00 News, Bands 10 30 Psychology 1:00 Sacred Cone. 11:00 News 2:00 Stereo Cone.

KCBC Radio 1390 ABC, Des Moines 5:45 Jim Hoskins 6 00 News, Music 7:55 Paul Harvey 8:30 Jim Ameche 12:00 Paul Harvey 12:15 Dick LemMon 12 30 Weather 12:55 News, Music 4:30 Jim Ameche 5:00 Paul Harvef 5:40 Wall Street 6 00 News, Music 6:35 Jim Ameche 7:00 Alex Dreier 8 00 News, Music 9:00 Music Hall 12:00 Serenade KNDR (FM) Radio 94 9 mc, Des tooinps 7:00 Prelude 4 30 Ballet Music 8 00 Spec. Artist 8:15 Early Cone. 10:00 Masters' 1100 Divertimento 12 00 Newsreel 12:15 Bookends 5:00 Encore 5 30 Art of Jail 6:00 News 6:30 Show Music 7 30 Keyboard 8 00 Heritage Cone 12:45 Matinee Cone. 10:00 Spec. Artist 2:30 Music Journey 10:15 Opera Ctage 3 30 Opera KWKY Radio 1150, Des Moines 5:35 Irish Davis 6.00 Fulton Lewis 8 00 Religion 615 Mark Holland 10 00 Mike James U10 World Today 1100 Jim French 11 35 Capitol Assmt 2:00 Smokey Smith SSHM.MMWHHSN.SS"HM KlOA Radio 940, Des Moines 5.30 Farm Line 12:45 D.

Mackinnon 6:30 D. Mackinnon 2:00 Skip Nelson 8 30 Larry Fischer 6 00 Ronn Pepper 11 00 D. Mackinnon 10:00 Nite Line 12:00 News, Mkts. 12:00 Bart Miller KSO Radio 1460, Des Moines 6 00 Don Bell 6.00 Hal Moore 9 00 Big Al 9 00 Phil Thomas 12:00 Dick Youngs 12:00 Jon Midnite 3:00 Dick Vance GREET QUEEN MOTHER 7 p)rhrd Vincent Warner. Shar-i 1" "1 Kir.

i-h. I Miller had earlier pleaded wniis S'enhame r.r.ViT; whrThsm innocent of the charges. He on union members here Thursday actively sup port President jK6nn6Qy medical care nroDosal I We contm-i ue to sit back," said Burdon. i "It's wrong." Burdon de- iscrioea the jhospital plan nmo.v for the elderly under the Social Security system as "sound, secure." "The American Medical Association is doing a door-to-door campaign against it." said Burdon. "Our trade union people are failing to support the 123 Attend Burdon spoke during a meeting of U.

R. W. unions of district 4 council. Some 125 delegates in 11 states are here for the three-day conference, ending today, at Hotel Savery. "You are the people who decide what's going to happen," said Burdon, in urging union members to write to their senators and congressmen in support of the medical care proposal.

He declared that millions are not able to take care of unusual medical expenses. He made personal reference to a stroke his mother suffered last month and the expense involved. "There is nothing wrong with Medicare," said Burdon. Burdon, elected international president two years ago, said he again would be a candidate at this year's international at Long Beach, Cal. The union has 175,000 members in the United States and Canada.

There are 2,700 in Des Moines 1,800 at the Firestone plant and 900 at Armstrong. Rose From Ranks Burdon, first international president of the U. R. W. to rise from the ranks, started as a Goodyear shoo emnlove in Los Angeles, Cal.

He was international representative in district 4 for 18 vears, living at Rock Island, 111. He also urged union members to help other trade i unions in organizing the un- wigciumeu. ne saia it was a responsibility to participate. Burdon said that rubber workers should tell young people of the programs obtained for shop workers. He urged "old timers" to evaluate what the trade union movement has done for the country.

Early sessions of the three-day meeting here have been devoted to workshops on such matters as political action, public relations, and arbitra- 1 laws- 8:30 Tonight "Iowa's Vatalionlanils" Where are Iowa's State Parks? What are their hours? What about camping facilities? What are the boating and and skiing facilities and regulations? How's the fishing? See and hear your questions about Iowa's State Parks answered by members of the State Conservation' Department. Phone in YOUR Questions During the Program AT 8-6571 PEOPLE'S PRESS CONFERENCE with Russ Van Dyke Simulcast on Channel 8 RADIO 1350' illli w'lliTns-i changed his plea Thursday. Stephenson allowed him to enter a plea of no defense' from i lu Stevens IIISICUU VI KUIIIV ucv-oujt vi iKir. aannra Bite,'n i. m-: J-rt.

Janet Kae Rchlaser. Terrr lo' lin.effer, Margaret J. Nei.m Shanmm. irMOrearrHj Thomas kinnr. Hminie 1 Rmith.

Jerry Dee Smith. Kalhertne Paulelle Smith, Dds Elaine Smith Mareiret, iiin hmitn Marsris Aiiiene tmtin. Patricva Ann Smith Rharm Kae Smith nioma, Ditvn Smith. Sandra Ijiverne Sorenirin. Alan Sonih Ann Stsignoio, tJmta Kav Varesret Ann Snarling Anita Jerry Soeneef.

Paul rorman Staneer, Mrl-Ivnne Ramnna StanJeton. Sylvia Sue S'evens Jori-e Dvnn Strode. Barbara Dune Stroud. Unda t'anil Swalla, ihiih lynn A. Taylor JeanAnne Terry, Danny Iiavid Tew, tttt jean momas Tumi W.hh, SMaron Kav Weld, Iionna Mse White.

Phyiiis (lev Whitlatrh Charlft Tomia leit-ev Wniiney, Jovct Wigmil. TticliaH Warren Wilder, nignall, riciiari warren wiiner, f.iia. Ijinraln Wilhur, Jams Ann Williams DamM ieene Douilss Mr- Aethtir rVdwn. KUMheth Jean WiL-m. S'iranne Vtuhelie wmier Kits Kav Wlneer John Murtin Wilrenhuri.

Nncv Jane Wriaht William Charles Wver. Rntiert if Telick, Dine Lee Yotk.i Michael Slyvester Toung Produce Markets Iowa Produce Following Thursday's renort L- e'v Pervfre Incentive Price. I grsde larg-r or better uf hurher: islanre niird; on.lerlvii Ving linver sentiment 'Xr'tZrb relnt slnrhtlv lower si most tviint ne dn.en nsin hro-tucers it ems, cases eschanged to a. e-v under hover ounlltv and vohime Inrentivei grade A larte of bet. 'it- c'Mic A medium (oiter farm etgsi irrade A i rr-e or htier.

191'Je moniy lie, A medium aid large lMHnr. moallT 1MiI7c; dirties and l.VrtTr. nmatlv 1 I i 1 Si I'lll I.1H1 Prices unchanged: o'r'ircf an tri-de uneven, however, slig'iilv Increesed 0' some areas' b'ivers imerMt mixd; nrice oer lb nrn dvtce'SS s' farna In II 1 m. No I Vimv ail hens 4 sc. mostly old rnosters, Chicago Produce Richard Rett Thomin.

I.livla Uellse j-n Tmro. Lmda Ann Townnend Neil Kiln Trlhliv liw- r-nce Trodd. jodv uvulae MJMW I.t:.i.1,l,'v; V'pU VZtsr ri'r Dale Francis Wa.r. J.nies sie-i Waters.

Unda Sue avrhoir Silneier Pullev. Annette Louise Quuin. Nancyi Jo Raleigh. I.ewis Henry Reaaland. Sandra Jean Renaker, Margaret Kae Revnolds, Joyce Renee Rice.

Wanda Colleen P.ick, Kathleen Rae Roach Judith Kav Robinson, Paula Marie Robinson. Linda Kay Rogers. Theresa Jeanne Roth. Judith Kay Rnval, Michael Paul John Theodore Russell. John Twedt RutJierford.

II. Diana Kay Sammons, Saundra Kay RAjirtfeerg. Donna Mane Savage, Stephen V.arl Rchneloh. Janaan Kae Schroder, Sandra Dee Sevedge. Merry Kay Shaw.

Patricia Louise Sheldon. Diane Marie Sherwood. Domthy Sharon Sinclair. Cheryl Fvelyn Slainthter, Carolyn Jean Smith, Oary Rsvmond Smith. Linda Jovre Smith, Richard Lee SnoonholtE.

Frank Oene Steele. Nancy Oene Stone. Sandra Jeanne Stone. Linda, Sue Strong, Jane Iuie Sllchv. Iann Sutherland, stejihen Daniel Sutton.

Sandra Lynn Sweet Don Frederick Taylor, Mary Jane Tavlor Sharon Kae Thomas. Larry Steven Tuiitstra, Jonejih Thomajl Turner, Mary F.liabeth Tyler. Uls Jecm Valenclc. 1.. M.I.

-On tL.l.arfl tl' r.n Vn Hoiit.n Ion Palmer jvan Veen. Hafel Kathryn Wade. Judith Uiulse Walker, Jerry Dean Walton. Karen Sue Waterman. Rlllie Janae Watkins Dennis Michael.

Watkins. Marv Dale Watts. Sandra Wavne. David Alvnh Wehh, Statv Aarnn 'Whiteside, Diane Mae Whltmore. Mary Maire Whltson.

Kathrym F.lnaheth Williams. Robert Mltchel Williamson, Ariel F.ttgene Windsor. Diane Lucille Wing. Charlee Frank Wood, Kugene Thomas Woods. Gerald Olenn Wright.

Linda lice Wysnt. Ronsld Gene Ziegler, Rhsron Kay Zimmerman. Tobacco Stocks Beat a Retreat NEW YORK. N. Y.

(D The common stocks of key S. tobacco companies declined as much as $1.75 a share Thursday in trading on New York Stock Ex change. Brokers Said the general retreat was related to the de- cision of the surgeon general Of the United States tO aP 1 point a Committee Of eXDertS to review and make recom mendations on all available data concerning the impact 01 Smoking On health. They noted, however, that such a government step was Philip Morris fell $1.75 share to $72.63. Tobacco declined $45, Lorillard 6.3 T) 1 KCVnoIuS $1.25 to to cents $45, American Tobacco 50 rpnt tn $.13 61 snrl ioootr fyers 75 cents $81.

Reduce Fine on L.intinT I hnraP uor Charge Blanche Kane, 44, also known as Mrs Blanche Thiel pleaded cuiltv to a cnarce of Selling liqUOr WlthOUt a fed- eral retail liquor stamp Thurs- day and was fined $500. Federal Judge Roy Stephenson suspended $400 of the fine and gave her three weeks to pay the $100. He placed her on probation. I i 1 i Mr. Gegner, who had lived tion- The concluding Des Moines about six! shoP thls rning will be on tnilCAOO.

THURSDAT-BITTFR e- IfjO About steady; wholesale buvingiWas IllSil Wlin Jill (IK'Wier, Cumtnge Renlta i memn tw.r C. Uydens. Jerry Ketth Rjihetts. ja, aas saw I llll 1111111110 I II llll I I la Is 1 1 I VII 11111111111 las 11 1 1 VI IWlsllW HOLD SHOOT A team from the Mason Police Department was one of the top winners in the annual pistol shoot for mem- inVL. Accnrifltinn utt a "i mv of Police and Peace Officers Results of the meet, held here Sunday, were announced; Thursday.

The Mason City team! scored 1,570 to take first place in the firing with short-: I barrel, police type pistols. In the long-barrel competition the Iowa Highway Patrol team No. 1 from Area Other teams and their scores finished in this I.mi "arret: Huhwa Parrol No. a i I I 1 r. VesT-i rt PoltO i Police Iprtment no.

j. way Pstr.l No 3 Area 1VJ l-nllr. lne litea: Hlehway Patrol Urea l'i sums I'ltv Police Pi iwrtinenl K.VI; llurnnav laino 'If J4: police JieiMrt- Intent 1M1H. Class results in the grand aggregate "of matches: im Kiiharil Ward. Hlehway Psiml Tloton N.lh iniaui ruin Hichway patrol llaveniHtrt S37, 3.

Koirer Moaher, Waterloo Police Deiwrt- nient. M2. r.tnert 1. IHihard wav Patrol. Ion.

t21 Wlgnall. lllith-. 2. ilene lleer. Msdisoti.

hjii. llnhwsv Patrol. Port 3 Uind Kt Scheldt, HiKhway Pitrul. Dveravllle hi 7. Klierpshonlef 1.

Bvron Whlttelsey, ltlRliwuy Pstrm 8iencer. 71IH. 2 Wavne nanielson, linttmsv Patnl. Newlon, 7V 3. Thomas MePermott, t.lar Rapids police le(arttnent.

70. Msrk.m.a N. 1-1 Kav tjirr. llithway Knoxvllle. 7Sfl.

2. ment. "2S. Ames Session For Witnesses About 1,200 delegates representing Jehovah's Witnesses congregations in central Iowa will convene at the Memorial Union Hall on the Iowa State University campus in Ames today. The thredday event opens tonight at 6:45 with an address by Angelo C.

Mantra, district supervisor from Brooklyn, New York. The assembly is a prelude to a number of larger assemblies to be held later this summer throughout the United States and Canada. Brut unchanged; 9:1 score A A Sj A 67r; 90 54Hc; 9 ears S9 wholesale buvlng prices unchanged In le hie'ier; 70' or better grade A whites 'Joe: mixed iWc: mediums 2r; standards, dixies, Vl'vc; checks, ilc PnTTF)--ArrivaJs frt earn: on, track JM- total U. atilnmenta Toll; new sunnllee mreterate: demand fori long whites rood, market firm; demand! for round reds moderate market shout i steady, earlot truck sulev Alshnma Pound Reds. MWV4I.V Anions Round Reds, Ml: Mm Whiles.

4 20S4WI: California Hakera. 1 lid: ralifoinia Round P.eds. 14 41); old supplies llirht demand rmm1: market sllthlltr slronrer- earlot Iraik ales: Idaho Russets, 21. rUtlires I CHlrAOt). nit'tiaiiiT npi Shell etc futures: Prev.

Cloae 3(1 so 32 IHI 32 .10 24 (IT gales Hlrh Bent, 4fiH Oel. 151 3 1 20 Nov. o7 32 IS iier 13 SO Hose 30 Bil 31 35 32 I 32 BO an 70 31 10 31 PO 32 20 rroeen wn.iie eitss. Oct 240 24 12 24 00 Nov. 32 24 30 24 15 per 0 in -Nominal! 54.10 24 30 24 23 24 titln 24.tOn STORE SALES I months, died Tuesday at Vet Hospital.

He had been hospitalized six weeks. He was born in Oskaloosa and was a consultant and plant engineer for the Midwest Bag and the Midwest Bag Trucking Co. He is survived by his wife, Bernice; one daughter, Bar bara, Des Moines; and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gegner of Oskaloosa.

Burial will be at Oskaloosa. Anna L. Jacklin Dies Here at 89 Mrs. Anna L. Jacklin, 89, a resident of the Bishop Drumm Home for the Aged, 1409 Clark died Thursday of a heart condition at Mercy Hospital.

Services are pending at St. John's Catholic Church. Mrs. Jacklin had lived in Des Moines for 47 years and was a member of St. John's Catholic Church and the Rosary Society.

She was born in Detroit, Mich. Surviving are a son, John IffifJOOf Wire to The r.eclateri U.mnld Pet 111. toils Cltv M'r American slores te. for KerKMl. ended pnrtment, 7s1.

3. tllenn Hanson. 8louI uBV 2f)' i Cltv Police Department, i.w. 4 Wks I 2 7 2X7.3111 --1. Thomas Tavlor.

1kv- wka 113 K24 133.2l9.1iitl enport railroad policeman ij2. 2 t.ary iillee BrolheVs Inc Mulr.mev r'ort H'alne follce l.rt-laiij er Brwner, inc Loren.e. Windsor She was charged while to end the Korean ployed at the United Veter-1 i a war emergency provision ans Fr a a 1 Association Club, 1823 S. Union Permits the milltary t0 last fall. Her attorney, James spend billions without corn-Lawyer, said she has been petitive bidding, working at Omaha, By a 360-0 vote it sent to since last November and the Senate the third measure urged lenience because she is; since 1957 designed to tighten expecting a child.

Maximum up defense procurement prac-penalty for the offense is! tices that were relaxed by $5,000 and two years in 'former President Harry S. prison. Truman in 1950. MONTREAL, QUEBEC, Des Moines; three daugh-C AN ADA lP) Britain's ters, Mrs. M.

D. Lumbard of Queen Mother Elizabeth ar- Des Moines, Mrs. R. W. rived Thursday for a nine-day Wright of Darien, and visit to Canada.

A 21 -gun sa-jMrs. C. L. Beener of Wilming-lute greeted her at Montreal ton, 11 grandchildren International Airport. and 10 great-grandchildren.

vmos porii.snhi r.dl"" Bmlhers Mores Inc. May 12.Rn,joii 5 mm 5fc.fOO.332 54.Oil9.777 t. I. Newberry 4 May 23.47nsl mn. 104.6S9H02 89.579 R44 fVores S7 Melllle hn erp.

for periods ended $12,879,023 $12,547,322 tonlate 588.362 8, 605,729 T. Urmril MsV 45.3S0.g-ia 5 mo. 219.063.519 181.152.213 mmamm mm BOOB flf "Pis 0uin llH So" 6000 A mm Wool NEW TORK. THURSDAY (API Wiol futuree were easy tmtsy on Haul-daiion; wool tops futures were hlslier futures closed 2 lo .4 a rent lower; Jul 12H 5cB: Oct. 123 fie; liec 1223rBi Mar.

121.2c; May 120 2rB; July 120 IrB Certificated, wool spot 129 OcN. Wool tops futures closed unchanged tn .5 of a cent hither; Oct. lfi2 0i'B: Dec 1S9 5cB; July 157 0(B; Oct 15" Certificated: tot tot'i loS.ScN. B-Bid: N- Nominal. Coffee sjrTW TORK.

THURSDAY f.VP -Coffee spot fantoa No. 4 ex-doik rinsed at 34 37'-c; eit nd freieht nller-tnrs include lanlos hournont 3s at 35 00cA. and 5 at 31 OOr. futures closet 3 points lower; 1 contracts: 33.7VN. futures closed nulet.

no sales. A Nominal. la. PAINT Sf.KVK A very special talent both witty and wise and the music he plays is very special, too! Weekdays, 2:30 to 5:45 p.m. at the 1040 spot on your iiujiH) 901 Locust St.

(downtown) AT 2-0207 3515 Inqersoll (West) CR 9-4331 501 Euclid (N. East) AT 8-6926 Fret ludget Pon Free Delvery 7.

The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.