Started With A Crash *COMPLETED* - Iwritetoomuch - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)

Chapter 1: Uncovered Drinks


TW: Talk of getting drugged **date r*pe in insinuated but doesn't actually happen**

Chapter Text

The club was dark outside of the flashing assorted lights, illuminating the loud area just enough to find your way to and from the dance floor and bar.

Jimin made no attempt to stop the fast paced story unfolding right outside the bathrooms. A mouth working against his, hands roaming over his slight curves, sweat soaking through his clothes, and their grunts being drowned out by such intense music surrounding them.

He had done this once or twice before, but tonight he was feeling feverish. Something was pushing him further into dizziness and consciousness was slipping from him between kisses.

He didn't remember ending up in the car but he remembered looking over to the driver and realizing it wasn't the man who had been with him originally. A spark of fear made him straighten slightly, his movements sluggish as he reached for the handle. The car swerved and he was thrown towards the driver before he could reach for a seat belt that wasn't there. The screeching of tires followed but nothing else had as he felt abrupt pain all over his body and then absalutely nothing.

Jimin's eyes opened slowly, tears welling in his eyes.

He had died that night.

So why was he back?

The hospital room engulfed him and the tears began to soak the pillow his head rested on. The fear of the unknown overtook him as he tried to scream out.

Nothing came.

The cords connecting him to the hospital's monitors kept him from catching his breath and began ripping them off his shaking body. He ignored the pain as sticker ripped off any hair they were connected to and the IVs tearing open where they had sat for an unknown amount of time. In the fury of alarms, blood, and sheets, a doctor and two nurses had sprinted into the room.

They all stared as Jimin clamored out of his bed, yet another alarm going off. Jimin was so scared and cold. Why had he been so roughly thrown back into this reality?

"Park Jimin!" He hardly recognized his name, hearing the doctor demand something of one of the nurses as the other lurched forward to pull his fighting body off the stark tiles.

"Don't worry sweetie, everything is going to be just fine-"

Her voice was calming, but Jimin couldn't help but react to it by sending his foot into her chest in order to get away. The doctor was suddenly behind him and pinning him down. The frozen floor made him cry out in silence again, his whole body lurching away from it before he was thrown back onto the bed.

His wrists and ankles were bound to the sides on the bed but he made no attempt to stop contorting himself to get out of them. Jimin's mind was a constant raging river of fear and confusion. He had managed to get onto his stomach, now unable to do much to untangle his limbs. He broke down into sobs, burying his face into the sheets that reeked of industrial cleaner to keep them as white as they were.

A warm hand found the space between the ties of his hospital gown and his body jerked as his head swiveled to the side.

The only thing that had made sense was Namjoon's warm smile and crying eyes.

He was saying his name, but Jimin wasn't registering it as all he knew was that he needed to be held by him. Namjoon removed the restraints against the nurses retaliation but she quickly quit talking as Jimin clung in the taller man's arms. They ugly cried into each other, Jimin nuzzling into any bit of skin he could find and Namjoon did the same.

"Jimin, you're back..."

Chapter 2: Hospital Gowns


Jimin starts to piece together what had happened to him...

Chapter Text

It had been three years since Jimin had been sent through the windshield of the car. His system was heavily incapacitated by a common date rape drug. But the person who had dosed him had not only nearly overdosed him, but had been killed in the head on collision.

Paramedics had saved his life that night, but now he wasn't so sure he wanted to be back after seeing what had been done to his body.

Jimin stood naked in the small shower room of his hospital room, Namjoon holding him up from behind in case he fell again. He had become nearly skin and bone, his muscles having not been used for so long that standing had become a work out.

"We're almost done, JM." He looked up at Namjoon, wondering how someone could be so much taller than him. All he knew was that he could trust this man and his name, but couldn't quite place where he knew him from.

Jimin had also come to realize that he couldn't talk nor form the sentence he wanted to say in his mind. It became all foggy and jumbled to the point of sending him into emotionally charged fits of crying or kicking at nothing like a child. Namjoon looked completely defeated when the doctor read him what was his list of diagnoses. Jimin felt the urge to touch him and managed to get to his feet shakily before falling into his arms. The burn in his muscles felt like an amazing stretch.

Namjoon was continuing his conversation with the doctor and Jimin was able to make out bits and pieces.

Something about getting him home and the therapy he'd need to follow up with. Jimin smiled up at Namjoon and attempted to say 'home'. Nothing came out but Namjoon smiled back at him and nodded.

"Yes, home." He didn't know why he began crying, but he longed to be anywhere but in this confined room with one window that led out to some nearly empty parking lot. There wasn't much to see besides the field and the tree line that flowed into some heavily wooded area. The only thing Jimin had come to see was rabbits enjoying their naps in patches of sun or chewing away at the weeds.

Namjoon had gotten him some clothes, claiming that he used to fit them as they now looked quite large on him. His pants kept falling and his sweater looked as if it was drowning him. He wasn't able to walk but a few steps out of the room before being caught by Namjoon again and plopped into a wheelchair. The familiar man slid a mask over his face but the moment Jimin tried to breathe he began panicking. He tore the thing off his face and gripped his heaving chest, beginning to cry again before Namjoon was knelt down in front of him, holding his face.

He was talking in a low voice and the attempt to calm the smaller had began to work before the nurse snapped at them. Jimin didn't remember her but she looked furious.

"Listen, I know he kicked you, but he wasn't in the right state of mind. Please forgive him and we can just take a back elevator out of here since he can't tolerate a mask."

"He needs one." She snapped, "I won't let him endanger all these other patients!" A man with a white coat came over and waved Namjoon away dismissively but with a tired look in his eyes before leading the nurse away.

Namjoon took his chance and sent him a small bow before taking Jimin out of the unit he had been in for those three years. Jimin turned in his seat, looking up at Namjoon with uncertainty. The other only smiled at him.

"Don't worry, we're going home. But I want to let you have a chance to get some air first. Tae is waiting for us outside." Jimin tilted his head at his words and the smile became one of sadness. He didn't talk anymore which made Jimin even more nervous as he was led through long hallways. They reached the double doors to the outside and fresh air hit Jimin like a harsh wave. The sun was so bright that he had to cover his eyes as he took in the sunlight and sounds around him. Namjoon's hand rested on his shoulder after finding them a spot off to the side of the entrance way.

Jimin heard a frenzy of footsteps coming towards them and Namjoon's hand disappeared but reappeared shortly after as if he had motioned to something. Jimin opened his eyes to see a man nearly as tall as Namjoon with a boxy smile and tears streaming down his cheeks. This one had seemed familiar too and Jimin smiled out of habit. He didn't know why he smiled, he just couldn't help it when seeing this stranger's smile.

He attempted to stand but soon felt Namjoon's hands supporting him. Jimin watched as Taehyung came over and held a hand out to him. He took it and gave the familiar hand a squeeze. He remembered how his hand always seemed so small compared to this man's and how he would tease him for it. Jimin let out a faint breath as he slid his hand from the other's and up to brace against the back of his neck.

There was something that made him want to laugh as Taehyung began crying more dramatically and he pulled himself against the other, hugging him.

"Taehyung, you're always so dramatic." Namjoon teased behind the duo.

"Shut up! I haven't had interaction with my soulmate in three years!" Taehyung cried, keeping his long arms around Jimin. "You're so skinny...lets get you some food!" He lifted Jimin up, making him gasp and dig his nails into him. "Aish! Calm down Chim Chim, it's just to the car."

No matter how slowly they had walked to the car, neither were ready for Jimin's full blown episode when seeing the inside of the car. He was shaking in Taehyung's arms, one hand gripping Namjoon's shirt so tightly that it threatened to tear off.

"Alright, I knew this would be a problem... Tae, do you have one of your scarves or ascots in here?" Jimin didn't notice the answer, trying hard to catch his breath. All he heard was Namjoon's voice talking in a deep whisper as his eyes were covered in a small piece of fabric. His world had been spinning so much that he didn't feel Taehyung lean over to grab what Namjoon had asked of him.

The scarf was secured in the back and he was once again curled up in Namjoon's strong arms. He had known that they were moving, but not seeing what was happening had become a helpful idea on the taller's part. It seemed to fly by to Jimin, but he was far too distracted by his racing thoughts to pay attention to anything like the time.

It wasn't until Namjoon was climbing out of the car with Jimin still glued to him that he removed the fabric from his eyes.

A large bit of land surrounding a lake was waiting for them. There was a small home in the front, an even smaller one in the edge of the lake, and what looked like the main house planted between the two. It was gorgeous and comforting to Jimin. He seemed to begin to remember growing up here. He smiled as Namjoon let him down, walking shakily to the back of the front house and going straight to the cooking pit. He stopped for a moment before looking back at the two men behind him. Namjoon's lighter brown hair caught the light perfectly to show that there was a tint of auburn in it and Taehyung's dark curls seemed to absorb the light that touched it. The two watched him carefully and he gave them a small but victorious smile.

He found himself being led inside the upper house and into the room to the immediate right, stopping for a moment to admire the kitchen and game room around his bedroom door.

Jimin took one look at his bed and only wanted to curl up in the large comforter. It hadn't changed at all from the bits and pieces he was remembering. He looked at Namjoon who had taken his spot behind Jimin in case he fell again. He nodded at Jimin's questioning look before the younger took three large bounds and threw himself onto the bed. He was grinning as he curled up comfortably and Namjoon could only chuckle was he watched.

Taehyung peeked around the door frame and laughed before coming over and planting a kiss on Jimin's head. "We'll let you rest. Come find us when you're up." He admired Jimin's mess of black long hair before walking out, closing the sliding door behind him.

Jimin woke to the sound of boisterous laughter and sat up from the nest he had created. His legs ached from the movement earlier that morning but climbed to his feet. He moved forward, bracing his hand against the door and weakly pulled it open as someone stopped in their tracks by the entrance. He looked completely stunned, light brown hair catching the sunset light and showing off the faintest of blonde highlights through his messy hair.

"Jiminie!" He shouted, startling the man and making him stumble back into his room. Whatever the stranger was holding was disregarded as he came in to stand Jimin back up. Jimin's hands found the others and pushed them off, making the other falter before looking more sad than worried. " that's what he meant...ah, Jiminie, Namjoonie is outside waiting for you."

Jimin took in a shaky breath and nodded before quickly leaving the house. He was growing more and more frustrated with his lack of being able to walk but became distracted by the group surrounding Namjoon. Besides Taehyung, he could only recognize Seokjin, purely remembering the man loving to fish and one distinct memory of him being a mother figure after a certain point in his life.

"Uh...well, now's a better time than ever." Namjoon muttered before walking towards Jimin and draping a heavy arm across his shoulders. Jimin instinctively leaned into him, catching the eye of a man with black hair that had his bangs covering most of his eyes. Black designs peeked out on his rough looking knuckles and under a bit of his sweatshirt sleeve. Another black haired man, shorter than the other, rested a hand on his back in a comforting manner. Only now did the coolness of the evening settle into Jimin's skin, making all the light hairs stand up as he shivered. Namjoon's arms secured itself around him tighter than before, sharing the warmth he naturally had. Seokjin gave him a soft glance before taking off his own sweater and wrapping it around a scared looking Jimin with Namjoon's help.

"Jimin, I see you've re-met Hoseok?" He motioned to the still sad but startled looking man that had walked past to stand beside the shorter black haired man.

Jimin nodded.

"Do you remember any of them?" Jimin looked between the group members and nodded before pointing at Seokjin. "Do you remember his name?" The smaller man nodded and took the man's free hand and laid it palm up in his own where he wrote with his finger, 'Jin'. Namjoon smiled and nodded.

Seokjin smiled warmly and came over to Jimin, "Looks like you need a hair cut." Jimin smiled a bit before turning his attention back to the three he couldn't remember.

"This is Yoongi," Namjoon motioned to the smaller black haired man that was right at Jimin's own height. "Then there's Jungkook." He motioned to the tattooed man. "You don't remember him at all?" Namjoon gave him a hesitant look. Jimin shook his head and Taehyung let out a faint sigh having been watching from behind Jimin.

"Way to rub salt in the wound, Namjoon." Yoongi quipped as Jungkook turned on his heel and left towards the boat house.

"I'm sorry! I was hoping he'd at least remember who he liked!" Namjoon let his hands flip up in a defensive manner but Jimin only watched the youngest leaving. A small voice in his head was telling him to run after Jungkook and touch him. He was craving the man's touch but couldn't determine why.

Namjoon had informed him at the dinner table that was set up outside the upper house, Jungkook deciding not to join them from a lack of appetite.

Jimin and Namjoon were brothers that owned this land after their parents had left it to them. The young man wrote down on his paper and pen, provided by Taehyung.

Where are they now?

Namjoon seemed to tense up after reading it and looked Jimin over. "They passed, JM. Shortly after your... accident." Jimin blinked a few times before furrowed his brow slightly. He had remembered details from his parents like their hands and voices but couldn't remember their faces.

Why can't I remember?

"You hit your head in the accident and the doctors aren't sure how far back the memory loss goes. You didn't remember that we were brothers but you remembered as far back as meeting Taehyung and Seokjin..."

When did I meet them?

"We've been friends since middle school." Taehyung answered with a warm smile.

"And I've been your brother's hyung since you and Tae were in high-school." Seokjin followed.

Jimin nodded before looking at Hoseok and Yoongi.

When did I meet you two?

Yoongi sighed, "I've always been Joon's friend but we didn't meet in person until we graduated so I think you would've been in high-school? But I didn't move here until around the time you graduated."

"I came shortly after Yoongi did." Hoseok smiled, "I was working for your parents and had to get away from my home life. So they let me move in here. Been here ever since." Jimin couldn't help but smile back, pleased to know that his parents were kind outside their family.

What about Jungkook?

They all got quiet after that and tense, putting Jimin on edge slightly. His eyes darted from everyone's faces and taking note of how none of them could really look at him.

After a moment, it was Taehyung to speak up. "You brought Jungkook here, Jimin. He was...well, what you claimed to be a fling with a shady past and then your mother offered him a place to stay in trade for helping keep the land and the houses cared for. You guys were on and off again, if that makes sense?"

Jimin bit down on his bottom lip as his brow furrowed more in concentration. Frustration built up rather quickly as he kept hitting what seemed like a wall in his head. He slapped his pen down, making the group jump slightly before angrily going back to his room. His world was spinning again and nearly dropped himself onto his bed. He stared up at the ceiling as frustration turned to sadness and tears flowed down his cheeks again.

He wasn't sure how long it had been, but Seokjin was leaning against his doorway. Jimin sat up when he saw him and the eldest walked over to him.

"Come." The man offered his hand and Jimin took it. He was led to the bathroom in the upper house where he was guided to the side of the tub. That motherly feeling showed itself as Jin cut Jimin's long locks. When he was able to, he looked at himself in the mirror. He was pale and sick looking, but the hair that was once long and frizzy looking was now sharply cut and framed his prominent cheek bones. The black definitely made him look paler, but he was in no mood to get creative with it. But he did notice that it wasn't all black, but a very dark brown.

"Now you look stylish!" Jin grinned, gently rubbing the back of Jimin's neck. The motion was immediately relaxing. He let out a soft sigh and watched as Seokjin cleaned up the bundle of hair gathered on the floor. "Do you want to sleep or do you want to explore? I can ask Taehyung to come sleep with you, though he might do that without being asked." He joked and the other smiled with a nod.

Within minutes Taehyung was wrapped around Jimin in his bed and Jimin began to feel claustrophobic. His breathing picked up and his closest friend caught the hint. He was sad as he pulled away, but was thankful that Jimin had calmed himself rather quickly. The air between them was tense now but Taehyung seemed to get an idea.

"Want me to show you photos?"

Jimin looked over to him and widened his eyes, nodding vigorously. His friend laughed and opened his phone, going to his camera roll.

His long finger tapped on an album named the same nick-name he had called him when they met each other for the second time before handing the phone to Jimin.

The older of the two swiped through photos of the two's selfies. He smiled at pictures of them, beginning to piece together the history between them. He remembered being rather shy and Taehyung being the extrovert he needed to make him socialize. Jimin remembered all the things they snuck off to do, all the schemes they had made, the parties they had frequented...

Then he stopped when he came across a picture of him and Jungkook. They looked freshly eighteen and Jungkook had a slight black eye as he kissed Jimin. They were frozen in time, smiling into such a tempting kiss as Taehyung looked bored in front of them. Jimin sat up, taking in every detail as he remembered that night.

Taehyung had dragged him to a rather rough part of town to go enjoy a gay club. In that club they had gotten so many free drinks that they hardly noticed Jungkook receiving a sharp right hook to the face. He was knocked into Jimin and swept him off his seat. The two hit the ground hard and after finishing the fight and winning, Jungkook offered to buy Jimin yet another drink.

They talked for an hour before Taehyung decided that he was far too left out and that he wanted to go home. He ordered them all a cab but Jimin had already made his move and kissed Jungkook. Due to the long night of drinking, Jimin only remembered bits and pieces of the two drunkenly running round their property laughing and dancing to absolutely nothing but themselves.

"K-Kookie.. " Jimin forced out, it was just a bunch of squeaks and rather painful but Taehyung grinned.

"Yes! You gave him that nickname! S-Should I go tell him?" Jimin looked over to his friend and bit his lip, shaking his head. Tae was hesitant but nodded, opening his arms as Jimin settle back into them.

Jimin hardly slept, collecting more and more faint memories of his time with Taehyung.

Chapter 3: Used Notebooks

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Nearly a month had passed of everyone attempting to aid Jimin in his recovery, but some had become easily agitated and left him in his brother's arms or completely avoiding him.

Well, only Jungkook had been avoiding him.

Jimin had made such great strides towards his physical and mental health that the end didn't seem so far away until small moments had hit him like a speeding train and he was left to sit in a shaking silence and hope that no one found him in that shape. With how often they had appeared, it was bound to happen.

He was sitting on the dock of the house on the water, hiding from view of the others as he choked back a sob. His eyes were pried open of his own will power, doing anything he could not to close his eyes. If he closed his eyes, he saw the man that had stolen him away. He saw every detail in that car but it was blurred.

A creaking plank caught his attention as he snapped his head from side to side. He heard athump from above him and he nearly jumped out of his skin as he scrambled to his feet. He looked up at the window that had just been shut and saw nothing, but was thankful for whatever had happened to have pulled him from his episode so efficiently. Jimin clenched his cold fists tightly and felt something in the back of his mind immerge. With a careful few steps, he was outside the door to the room he had been leaning against.

His tight hand released itself and his fingers found the knob. With a slow and controlled twist, he silently opened the door just enough to peek through into the dark room.

Jungkook was there, a frosty outline of his naked body was leaned over what appeared to be his desk. His hands gripped the table as Jimin admired every defined muscle in the moonlight. A tightness formed over his whole body as he watched the man's tight body move from the desk to his bed.

"Jimin-ah!" Seokjin's voice made Jimin nearly scream if he was able to. His body snapped to the wall beside Jungkook's room, breathing hard and fast as his face burned.

Jin approached, laughing at the expression before realizing just what had happened. So he attempted to play this off in order to help his friend. "I saw you walk down here just a moment ago...were you looking for me?"

Jimin chewed away at his lip, nodding quickly. He felt something behind him give way and he let out a yelp as what he thought was the wall opened up behind him. His eyes came face to face with a harshly defined collar bone and a very prominent set of pectorals with a loose grey jacket draped over a strong set of shoulders. His eyes snapped down and saw that somehow, in the racket, Jungkook had slipped on grey sweatpants and was now glowering down at him. Jimin hadn't noticed the glower until that tattooed hand slipped around his jaw and forced him to meet his eyes.

"First you were keeping me up with your crying and now you're just staring?" Jungkook muttered, a bit of harshness behind his tired voice.

"You were crying?" Jin stepped in, placing his comforting touch on Jimin's shoulders. Jimin stepped back, Jungkook's hand staying suspended in the air. He nodded and tucked himself deeper into the heavy jacket he had stolen from Namjoon. "Was it another...episode?"

Jimin nodded before looking back at Jungkook, feeling himself become more and more timid as he was letting the other continue to glare at him. Seokjin sighed and stepped between the two, "You didn't bother to comfort him?" He snapped at the youngest.

"Why would I do that?"

"Oh, I don't know- maybe because youcare about him?" Jin shoved a finger into the defined divot of Jungkook's sternum.

"I didonce." The sting in his voice made Jimin flinch slightly.

"We are a family here, Jungkook. He isn't who he used to be!"

"Thank whatever God is up there, then!" Jungkook moved his head slightly to glare once more over Jin's shoulder at Jimin. "Hopefully that jackass he was beforedied in that crash." Seokjin was about to go on another shouting match but was met with the man's door in the face. His face was red and a vein stuck out on his neck as he stared at the pale paint with a mix of emotions Jimin hadn't ever seen before. His wrist was grabbed by Jin as he was led up to the front house. Even with all the charged emotions, he was still gentle with Jimin.

He had no other choice but to be sat between Namjoon and Hoseok as they questioned him about why Seokjin had so suddenly dropped him there and returned to the boat house.

As Jungkook's words ate at him through the night, he pried his faulty memory for something that would connect some dots. Why had Jungkook said that?

He found his answers the next morning when he was alone with Yoongi, the only one that seemed to lean more towards avoiding him all together like Jungkook.

"y-Yoongi..." He whispered, a spike of pain came from speaking and he made a face of displeasure before pulling out the small notebook he now kept in his back pocket at all times. He had gone through so many of them at this point that he felt bad asking Namjoon for more of them every time he left their haven.

"What do you need?" His voice was gruff and tired, but Yoongi never seemed to be a morning person.

Jimin got to writing about last night. But Yoongi waved his hand at him, finding a spot in a camping chair as his eyes stayed stuck on the embers of last night's fire.

"Ah, Jin-hyung told me all about it. What do you want to know?"

'Why does Jungkook hate me?'

Yoongi read the question over numerous times before letting out a tired sigh and rubbing his eyes. "Are you sure you want to remember those times? Neither of you guys handled anything maturely..."

Jimin nodded.

Another sigh.

"You dated him for a short while...but I am not sure what happened, but... you left." He didn't look over to the younger man. "You disappeared for nearly a week and when you came back, you had a screaming match with Jungkook. Then he did the exact same, came back, another screaming match. At one point it got physical, but no one said who swung first. In fact, it was brushed under the rug by you two. The relationship was toxic,if you could even call it that." Jimin shifted on his feet, deciding that sitting down would be the best option.

"And before you ask, no. I don't know what happened to start all of this. From what we gathered from the screaming matches, you guys took turns cheating on each other because neither of you were mature enough to communicate what either of you needed. Your accident happened on one of your trips, Jimin." Finally, Yoongi met his eyes, tears threatening to come out.

"We got the call and all of us came to see you in the hospital. I went in with Jungkook and...The way he cried over your body would have made anyone's heart break. When you died- Jimin-" Yoongi choked, "None of us were ready for it. But they brought you back and so we waited."

Jimin felt his own tear fall onto the top of his shaking hands that gripped so desperately at his pants.

"Jimin, we all got second jobs in order to pay for your hospital bills because there was achance that they could save you." Yoongi moved towards Jimin, taking his hand tightly. "I am sorry Jungkook is being this way, but don't take it personally. He lost you in more ways than one. He just needs to see that you are back. Really, truly back. I don't knowwhythese things happen, but it did." Jimin leapt up and crashed himself into Yoongi's arms, him crying a bit louder than his friend was, but their bodies stayed pressed together and shaking in their tears.

Chapter 4: Old Phones

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Namjoon was waiting for Jimin in the game room, greeting him with a wide smile and a box in his hand.

"J-Joon?" Jimin whispered, rubbing his eyes as he stumbled out of his room in a sleepy daze.

"Jimin, I was able to get your phone fixed! Well... sort of." He laughed a bit as he stood and hugged his little brother tightly, making him groan. "It was beyond repair but they were able to save all the history on it! is your new phone." He opened the box and revealed a brand new smart phone that seemed to shine in the sunlight that peeked through the blinds. It was all black with a lavender sheen to it, making Jimin stare in awe.

He mouthed a 'thank you' to his older brother quickly turning the thing on. He felt a wave of what seemed like nervousness as he opened his phone to see a selfie of him and Jungkook. They were in Jimin's bed, fully naked but tucked under that warm comforter as Jungkook's sleeping face was nestled into Jimin's neck. Evidence of their love making covered their skins and something pressed into Jimin's heart as he looked at it. He heard Namjoon shift a bit before his long finger reached past the screen to select the album app.

"You still have all of your photos saved. I am sure Taehyung showed you a bunch, but you always loved taking funny selfies with us." And Namjoon was right. Inside the collection of photos was a ton of funny faces of Jimin with his closest friends. His family.

"Than...k y-you, Joon." He clutched the phone to his chest and hugging his brother once more. Namjoon seemed more than happy having just heard his brother speaking and let him wonder back into his room.

Jimin went through his photos after having closed his door. He found one particular album that was locked and frowned at the sight, frustrated he couldn't remember it. He huffed and set the phone onto the table before pulling his comforter back to see a sprawled out Taehyung that had stolen every pillow in the bed. Perhaps he had missed snuggling so much that this was his new habit. Finding Jimin in bed and clinging to him like a scared cub, claiming he wouldn't stay long but falling asleep holding onto his soulmate. Jimin had thought long and hard about what Yoongi had said and began accepting every bit of affection from his family members. He hadn't realized just how precious he was to them from what he remembered.

So why had Jungkook become so cold?

Jimin got an idea and got dressed quickly. He slipped the phone into his pocket before nearly running out of the house, nearly knocking Hoseok over as he leapt off the steps.

"Good morning Jiminie!" He cheered, laughing away the brief flailing of limbs. Jimin grinned and waved to him, "Aren't you going to eat with us?" Jimin pressed his lips together and pointed down the hill towards the boat house. Hoseok hummed, "No, Jungkookie normally skips breakfast. If you want to take some down for him, I'd be grateful! He didn't answer his door this morning though, so if he doesn't accept it just bring it back." Jimin nodded and waited as Hobi fished some fried rice from the Wok Yoongi was mixing into two bowls. "Breakfast is served, yours and his." Hoseok grinned and Jimin felt nothing but happiness as he smiled back at his bubbly friend.

His march down to the boat house didn't go unnoticed by Seokjin, who was just leaving his room. He stayed in the room opposite of Jungkook's and it seemed to be for a reason.

"He isn't here." He muttered, obviously disappointed in seeing Jimin arrive with what was obviously meant for them to share. "He left about one am." Jimin pulled out his phone to see it was nearly twelve hours later and frowned slightly at the screen, their faces becoming painted forever in his thoughts. "Maybe he'll be-"

"Already here." Jungkook snapped, making them both jump. His heavy boots hit against the deck floor and he slid past Jimin as if he didn't want to touch him. Jimin reached out and flinched as the door closed on his wrist. He had been too desperate to keep Jungkook from locking him out that he had just thrown his wrist in the way. The young man seemed to stop and look back with only a sliver of alarm. Seokjin opened the door quickly.

"Way to look around, JK. Here, Jimin brought you breakfast."

"Don't want any."

"You just slammed his wrist in the door! The least you could do iseat with him!"

"Wasn't my fault."

Seokjin opened his mouth to start scolding him again-

"Kookie...please?" Jimin was struggling to balance the two bowls in one hand, the other throbbing as he braced it against his stomach. He gave him a pitiful look and he saw Jungkook's eyes go through a wave of sadness, anger, then a sharpness came over them.

"Fine." He held the door open and Jimin slid through, but Jungkook shut it so quickly behind him that he ensured that Seokjin wouldn't get another word in.

Jimin was so tense in the desk chair, shifting a bit. Breakfast had barely been touched and the air was thick with an unsettling feeling.

"Are you going to sit here all day? I'm tired." Jungkook spat and Jimin took a deep breath. He stood and walked over to Jungkook, who was sitting with his knees wide on the bed and leaning back. His loose shirt did nothing to hide the shapes of his abs underneath it even with his drapes drawn almost shut.

Jungkook shifted slightly as Jimin stood and brought himself right between his legs, pulling the phone from his skinny jeans that Jungkook had taken off him far too many times to count. Jimin could tell that he was holding something back. Jungkook's eyes flashed to the code that appeared on the screen and then back up at Jimin's guarded gaze.

"What? Don't remember your code?" Jimin shook his head. Jungkook plucked the phone from his hands and mindlessly typed in two codes. Nothing. He frowned slightly before typed in his birthday, just for sh*ts and giggles but blinked when it opened. He hadn't expected Jimin to have ever cared that much to set a code as his birthday.

Jimin grinned and plucked the phone right back before scrolling through the obviously secret folder. His cheeks lit up with heat and color as he realized that this was secret for a reason. Videos of intimate moments were decorating his screen. From his hands shaking, he accidentally tapped on one and his hands went over his face, the phone dropping into Jungkook's lap.

Jimin's own moaning and Jungkook's dirty talking echoed though the room, leaving both of them petrified to make eye contact with the other. Jungkook fumbled for the phone and the moaning only seemed to get louder. Jimin fell forward onto the bed to hide his shame and the other finally managed to pause the video. He turned and laid face down just as Jimin was, loathing ever having saidand recorded such lewd things.

" least I know why you made the code my birthday..."

For a moment, neither of them moved. Then with a swish of the fabric, both of them locked eyes. The eruption of laughter was almost immediate.

Jimin's more of a bit of squeaks and wheezes as tears ran down his cheeks and Jungkook's a boisterous and child like one.

Jimin moved closer as Jungkook turned over onto his back and Jimin's head found his bicep in the most natural speed. He was hit with a wave of Jungkook's deodorant and nearly nestled straight into his armpit, feeling a sense of security he realized now that he had missed badly. He felt the man stiffen and look down at him. They were nearly nose to nose.

"Jimin-ssi-" Jimin pressed forward, capturing Jungkook's lips with his own and startling the other. A rush of feelings came through such a wanting kiss and Jimin felt more tears run down his cheeks.

Jimin was hit with a wave of pure affection as he felt those perfect lips press back against his own and the arm he laid on pulling him closer.

Chapter 5: Matching Socks

Chapter Text

Jimin moaned quietly as he felt Jungkook's mouth working his way down the front his naked body. He was nearly about to finish with even the faintest of breaths against his erection.

Jungkook had made quick work of their clothes after Jimin had kissed him. There was something so urgent in his movements, as if he needed just this to make sure Jimin was back. He hadn't realized how unsatisfying everyone else had been in comparison to the man under him now. The video had made him horny, but seeing it in person made him drip in anticipation.

Realistically, Jungkook knew Jimin hadn't had any practice in the last three years and so going slow was the only option. As much as he craved just shoving it in and manhandling Jimin like they were used to, he was savoring every bit of flesh and every whimper that came out of him. Nothing they had done before made him like he was right now.

Jimin had always had his heart, but seeing him like this brought out something animalistic in him that wasn't just related to having ravenous sex. He wanted to keep this precious human being away from the world. Keep him as his own as to never loose him to another male again. To never risk seeing his pale body or receiving a knock at the door by Namjoon telling him that Jimin's heart had failed.

A tear on his hip made Jimin shift up onto his elbows. Jungkook was watching him, tears falling from his eyes, messy black hair strewn about. He instantly cupped the back of Jungkook's head and pulled him into a rushed kiss. They kissed and kissed, small but passionate.

Between them, Jungkook was pleading.

"Please, Jimin. Please don't ever leave me again."

Jimin felt nothing other than his heart shattering into pieces as he heard the man above him beg for nothing other than him. Jimin's finger traced into the broad back of Jungkook.

'Focus on us now'

Jungkook sank his face into Jimin's neck as he had when the lock screen of Jimin's phone was taken. The two fit together like a perfect set of puzzle pieces, but something was lacking there. Something was going unspoken as Jungkook rutted against Jimin, both moaning into each other's ears.

Jimin dug his nails into Jungkook's back as a quick org*sm rushed over him, white spots attacking his vision as his eyes rolled back and faintly convulsed against the sturdiness of Jungkook.

"J-Jung-" He strangled out but was met with a splash of something warm adding his his own mess on his abdomen.

Jungkook heaved with him, refusing to take his head out from it's hiding spot. His breath hit Jimin's skin and he already knew that the younger's eyes were closed, feeling his body twitch slightly as he recovered. Jimin let out a hum of delight as he clearly remembered their first org*sm together. How Jungkook was always so sweaty during their intimate moments and was so shy about the faces he made. Jimin remembered him telling him time and time again that he couldn't help it when he was having sex with Jimin as he was perfection and fed into everything he loved when it came to having sex.

"f*ck." Jungkook swore before pulling himself up and out of the bed. "You need to leave.Now." The demand startled Jimin and he slowly sat up. "I said now, Jimin!" He shouted, making the other nearly throw himself to his feet. he threw on whatever clothes he found and sprinted from the room, completely forgetting the dishes from breakfast. He sobbed as he ran past the others and to his room, slamming the door shut.

He wept and wept as he kept himself covered from the day light.

He thought it had been such a beautiful moment but he had been wrong. What Yoongi had mentioned before was becoming more evident.

There was a knock at his door and he didn't move to answer it.

Seokjin entered the room and immediately scrunched his nose slightly. When he saw Jimin's swollen eyes, his face relaxed into one of abundant sadness and let out a sigh.

"I should have never left you alone with him..." He came over and pulled the blanket back before slipping his arms around Jimin, embracing him tightly. "You reek. Come wash up with me." He nearly had to carry Jimin into the bathroom and helped him strip down. Jin hissed a few things as he looked Jimin's body over before stripping himself as well. Jimin let himself be washed and rinsed off before being sat into a tub of warm water.

He would be lying if he said he didn't feel physically better from the relaxing water. Seokjin joined him soon after, getting behind him and Jimin settling back against him as if he had always done it. Maybe he had, but there was no telling with the lack of memory that he was suffering with.

"He resents you for leaving the week your trip was. And that you put yourself in such a dangerous situation without him there to help you. He is still recovering himself, but I guess seeing you again reopened some old wounds..." Jin massaged Jimin's scalp as he spoke, a pain in his voice.

He was quiet for a moment, not missing the quivering of Jimin's bottom lip. "Just...give him some time, okay?"

"What did I do to him?" The question came out slow and was a bit of a struggle for Jimin to form, but Seokjin rested his cheek against his temple.

"Baby Jimin...Spoiled brat, little baby Jimin..." He chuckled. "You were not as sweet as you are now. In fact, meeting you now reminds me of when I first met you. So sweet and innocent. When you graduated high school, you sought out the enjoyments in life as everyone does... yours just...sank into a bad crowd." He finished with a mutter.

Jimin sat up and looked at him, his eyes still red from his crying before but now filled with worry.

"I guess I should explain." Seokjin hesitated, "Youreallyseemed to like attention from the 'bad boy' type. And they loved having you to show off to their friends, but that never ended well. In fact, the only one that ended up the best was Jungkook, but obviously that doesn't mean much." He cupped Jimin's cheeks and stared into his eyes. "You started acting different. Like you didn'tcare aboutanyone, anything, or your wellbeing. When you started disappearing for days at a time, we all thought you had hit rock bottom and were trying to hide it from us.We were all so scared, Jimin."

Jimin let out a sob, but no more tears could be formed and he heaved in Jin's tight hug.

"I-I'm s-s-so s-sorr-ry, Jin-hyung!"

"Shhhh, I know, I know. I am just so happy that you're back here and safe in our arms." They stayed like that until their skin got soggy and the water grew cold. Taehyung was waiting for Jimin with a clean set of sleeping clothes and was eager to snuggle up with him again.

For the first time since he had been back, he found himself hiding away in Tae's embrace and admiring the fact that he had purposely dressed them in a pair of matching socks that were decorated in a funny looking dog in a yellow hoodie.

"You know...he reminds me of your dad." Taehyung whispered and Jimin let out the faintest of laughs, knowing he was right but somehow couldn't picture the man.

"Tae?" Jimin looked up and saw Taehyung waiting for his question, an admiration in his eyes. "Do m-me now?"

Taehyung seemed to falter for a moment, "I have always liked you, Jimin. B-But yes, I do think I like the new Jimin more..." He leaned in and brushed their noses together as if they were puppies. "I suppose the old Jimin would never have let us just lay here..." Jimin blinked, confused by the statement. He felt Taehyung's hand claim his own and squeeze it gently. "We always used to sneak out and get into trouble. But when you started disappearing I-" His words stopped in his throat. "S-Sorry Chim Chim. You should rest now." He gave him a smile that Jimin didn't read as genuine and pouted as Taehyung turned away and cuddled with his pillow.

Chapter 6: Left Unread

Chapter Text

Jimin was staying away from everyone today.

The last week had put him on an emotional roller coaster that he wasn't able to talk through.

His phone buzzed an made him jump slightly and free it from his pocket. A dating app had given him a notification and he frowned at the screen as he leaned back against the tree he sat against. He deleted the app without any further thought, burrowing himself deep into his cozy sweater and pulled his knees up under the thick fabric. Another buzz and he groaned, seeing it was just an update from his service about the phone he held tightly. A red bubble above the messages caught his eye and his thumb tapped it. He saw so many messages from right around the time of the accident and saw 'Taehyungie'.

When he opened the messages, he was confused by the last one.

'Jimin, I am SO sorry! You were never meant to find out like this!!'

He bit his bottom lip as he scrolled up to see what he had texted him before that.

Me:Jungkook told me everything.

Taehyungie: What?

Me: Quit playing dumb. I saw you two f*ckING and I am SO DONE with the both of you. Don't come looking for me, either.



Jimin please!!!!

Why aren't you answering your calls!?





Jimin, I am SO sorry! You were never meant to find out like this!

Jimin clicked out of the messages and went immediately to the next name he knew was Jungkook's. It held a rabbit emoji, a sun emoji, a purple heart, and an engagement ring beside the name 'One and Only'

One and Only:Can we please talk about this?

Me: No. I want you gone with him by the time I get home.

One and Only: Which will be?

Me: Leave me the f*ck ALONE

One and Only: Babe

Me: Don't you EVER call me babe again.

One and Only: Please Jimin

Me: No. I thought we had moved past this. You're disgusting and I never want to see you again.

One and Only: Jimin can you please pick up?

I'm going to tell Namjoon to call you

He said you didn't answer

Jimin please


Hey... I know you'll never answer me but I just need someone to talk to. I miss you so f*cking much...

It's been a year now...I want nothing more than to just....hold you again




It's been almost two years now and I still can't believe you're gone

If I ever see you again I promise I will drop to one knee right there and propose

I can't keep pretending to love Taehyung when I only want you

We ended things so can you come back now?


Jimin hit the power button and the screen turned off.

His eyes came up to see that the two men that had sent them all those messages were both surrounding Yoongi as they took turns throwing a basketball into the flimsy looking hoop that they had built years ago.

Memories began crashing through the wall that Jimin hadn't been able to go over before...

It was late and Yoongi had just driven him and Namjoon home from having dinner with their parents. Their faces were as clear as day as they hugged the three boys before leaving dinner early to catch a movie. The whole reason for that dinner was for Namjoon and Yoongi to open up and come clean about their relationship that apparently everyone else had known about. He remembered smiling at them holding hands in the front seat and even seeing Namjoon lean over and kiss Yoongi at a stop light. Jimin had gagged to tease them, of course, but had never felt so happy for his brother.

He remembered sending a text to Jungkook about how he couldn't wait to kiss him again. They had recently had a fight that Jimin had caused. He went out and cheated yet again and finally broke down saying that he hated himself for it. He and Jungkook had decided that they were going to move past all these childish games and finally settle down. To be an actual, healthy couple.

This was back when Jungkook didn't have as many tattoos either, Jimin remembered tracing over the few that he had and leaving kisses on them after helping apply lotion to them. How he had admitted to being turned on by inked skin and how hot Jungkook looked with them.

When the car pulled in, he didn't realize that Jin and Hoseok were trying to keep him from finding out. They tried their best to keep him away from the dock. He simply brushed them off and found himself frozen outside of Jungkook's room.

The moaning was far too loud to make anyone think that they didn't want to be heard. It was painfully obvious as to what was happening behind that thin door and Jimin took the hint.

His legs took him away quickly, past his brother and his boyfriend, past Seokjin and Hoseok. Straight to his own car. He sped away and his vision was blurred with tears.

He was angry.

He was angry and was going to hurt Jungkook but he couldn't lie to himself. This was far beyond anything that was done before. Not only had his boyfriend cheated yet again, likely to receive some sort of pay back for Jimin's most recent f*ck up...but it had been with his best friend. And now he was heading straight for the bar that this mess had started in.

His last night of memory, his feeble attempt to feel anything other than just pure hurt and anger. Then he left his drink unattended and that sick f*ck drugged him.

And now he was here, feeling the two's betrayal all over again.

Chapter 7: Abandoned Ring


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Jimin was staring at the lake's water, dark as the night sky. There were no starts on and only the faintest sliver of the moon could be seen. Even now, in his emotional turmoil was he stunned be the stunned by natures beauty. Time had passed so quickly and Taehyung hadn't returned to join Jimin to sleep anymore. Jimin could tell he felt guilty for acting as though nothing had ever happened.

But Jimin wasn't complaining. His hair had gotten long enough to tie up and a scarf was wrapped around his slender neck. Only Jungkook's heavy footsteps drew him out of his trance. Jungkook had quit making an effort to avoid him recently, as though him and Taehyung had spoken about the matter before either of them had thought to tell the one behind it all.

Jimin turned and saw Jungkook watching him, frozen in time as he was reaching for his door knob.

"Jungkook..." Jimin said gently. He had well moved past what had happened, but it was obvious that the other had some more to say.

"Hey Jimin." He answered quietly, starting back to what he was doing. He opened his door but stopped again, his tongue gliding along the inside of his cheek. Jimin realized he was making a decision so he waited to see what it was. "Can...Can we talk for a sec? I have something I want to show you." He didn't look up at Jimin, who nodded faintly.

Jungkook immerged from his dark room and walked over to him.

"I know that I haven't been the kindest since you've returned."

"Really? I hadn't noticed." The sass made the edge of his lips curl into a faint smile.

"If that's the case, can we talk about what happened before?"

"You using me to get off then shouting at me to get the f*ck out of your room? Sure. I haveallthe time for that." Jungkook visibly deflated.

"That was a bad call on my part... I was going through something and took it out on you. Forgive me?" He began playing with something in his hands.

"Jungkook, I believe that is the least of your concerns when it comes to forgiveness." Jimin dared him to continue with a look.

" remembered?" He seemed to pale even more than he already was. His hands were shaking now.

"I got your texts...I just assumed a late reply was worse than no reply." Jimin crossed his arms over his chest as he watched the once powerful and mean looking Jungkook turn into nothing but a puppy with his tail between his legs. The older had assumed he would never see that side of him again and a bit of him relaxed as he leaned back against the railing of the boat house's dock.

Jungkook stepped forward and trapped Jimin between his arms that gripped the same railing so tightly that his knuckles were white. "Then you saw what I sent afterwards."

"I saw that you tried to date Taehyung after my heart had failed in the hospital. And that you got so drunk one night that you had texted me a few barely legible messages." Jimin tried not to get pulled in by the aroma that this man seemed to give off. Floral, but sturdy. Like he had just ran through the woods to find him.

"And what else did you read?" His voice was low, hesitating and unsure.

"That the next time you saw me that you would drop to one knee-" Jimin answered and Jungkook dipped down, taking Jimin by surprise as he kissed him. His hands found his chest as those strong arms wrapped around him and pulled him up against him.

The kiss told Jimin everything he needed to hear, as it held so much regret behind it. His arms slid up and his hands tangled themselves into his now messy hair. Those strong hands found his hips and squeezed, a moan erupting into the kiss and making them part enough to meet their emotional gazes.

"I want to try again, Jimin. I want to make up for all the f*cked up things we- I did to you. I want you to know that you truly are the moon to my sun."

Jimin took in the intense features on Jungkook's face and moved one hand to gently stroke the faintest scar on his cheek.

"I love you, Jungkook. But-"

"Please don't say no just yet." Jungkook cut him off. "Just...give me one last chance?" He took Jimin's left hand and slid something off his own finger before sliding it into place on Jimin's ring finger. It fit so perfectly and felt so right.

"Is this...?"

"The ring I was going to propose to you with. Uh- the ring Iamproposing to you with." He corrected, a blush forming across his cheeks. Jimin couldn't help but smile at the action. But he pulled away.

"What a sh*tty proposal." He teased, crossing his arms across his chest and spinning around to face the water again. He smirked to himself as he heard Jungkook choke on air.

"Fine, then we'll do ityourway. Give me the ring back."

"What ring?" Jimin looked over he shoulder to see a bewildered looking Jungkook. He laughed and began running out of the boat house, the racing in his heart sending him clear across the property in record time.

"Wha-Hey!" Jungkook raced after him, following Jimin's laughter all the way past the main house and into the first house. Jimin slammed the door shut behind him and did the same with his bedroom door.

Yoongi watched the two run across the yard, his first thought was to look at Taehyung, but the young man was far too distracted by Seokjin. The faintest smile graced his lips as he wondered how life could manage to work out even their chaotic little family.

Large arms wrapped around him, his whole body instantly pressing back against Namjoon's chest.

"Looks like they finally worked things out..." That voice was sad, but trying to hold hope in it.

"I'm sure this time will be a little different." Yoongi answered, not bothering to do anything but lay his head back and to the side, his lover finding the familiar spot on his shoulder to rest his head on. So much had happened, but it couldn't be said that it went by quickly.

Seokjin's laughter drew Yoongi's eyes back to witness him being nose to nose with Taehyung, their hands linked and bodies pressed together as they danced to nothing.

"That's surprising." Namjoon muttered and Yoongi chuckled.

"Is it? I could see it from a mile away."

"You always were the insightful one." He felt Namjoon press a smile against his jaw.

"Ohplease, you and I both know that Jin has always been the mother hen and Taehyunglives to be babied by all motherly figures. Taehyung and him always had a deeper connection than Jin had with anyone. Even us." He mentioned, thinking back to when it had been only Jin that knew about their relationship. Back when they had all met in a chat room and became the unbreakable trio that held the family together. Seokjin hadn't ever let them think that he was uncomfortable being a third wheel, but when Taehyung showed up to the graduation party, it was painfully obvious that he had wanted to try dating for once.

"Guess the upper house is off limits. Want to start a fire?"

"I say we leave everyone else be and head to the camper." There was a suaveness to Yoongi's suggestion that made Namjoon straighten suddenly. He chuckled again and took his lover's hand before leaving the rest of the farm to itself, a nervous Joon in tow.

Yoongi nearly shoved him up the camper's steps before turning and looking back.

Taehyung had kissed a stunned looking Seokjin, who only reacted when he finally realized what was happening. Jungkook closed the window to Jimin's room, suddenly missing his normal over-sized long sleeve. And somewhere, Yoongi knew Hoseok was curled up, sleeping away all of the week's stressors.

Min Yoongi hummed faintly, a rough hand finding his jaw and guiding him into his camper, making sure to shut it firmly and locking it before enjoying the rest of his night.


This is the sweet end to a bitter story! Should I continue the series with Namjoon and Yoongi's relationship? Or maybe even Taehyung and Jin's new found love?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments and what you liked most about the story!

Started With A Crash *COMPLETED* - Iwritetoomuch - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.